by Kathleen W
Every Sunday night, at 9 pm, regardless of where you live, people around the world gather to meditate for peace with Archangel Michael. Feb. 5th through Linda Dillon, He created a powerful meditation YouTube called: Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now!
Archangel Michael invites all beings on Gaia to join with Him to co-create Peace on Earth. The instructions, energy downloads and message are all in the video and He is asking us to allow the blue breeze of Peace to flow through us to everyone on Gaia!
Join the circle at 9:00pm Sunday night — anchor to the 13th Octave and to the heart of Gaia, step into the flow of your Master Self — feel the Peace, Tranquility and Love and let’s co-create with Archangel Michael Peace Now for Gaia!
by Steve B
A quiet mind creates inner peace. Inner peace unlocks the door to love, joy, happiness.
A loving heart invites outer peace. It invites a peaceful response from all around the peaceful one.
A quiet mind and a loving heart make so much difference in our world. Join us for our Sunday Night Meditation as our common contribution to world peace, through the powerful agency of our own quiet minds and loving hearts.