Archangel Michael wishes us to continue our discussion with you of the idea that originated with him about voluntary months subscriptions of $1.11 to the blog. But this discussion is inevitably much more general than the Golden Age of Gaia only.
It applies to all other blogs and indeed all other organizations and associations begun by light workers who’ve agreed to lead in Ascension work and in the post-Ascension reconstruction of Nova Earth.
What Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven wants to see is us lightworkers helping ourselves. They want to see us sharing our resources to the extent we can with those who are less advantaged. And they want to see this before they release into our hands the incredible abundance intended to flow out to the world.
Why do I say this? There’s a passage from a personal reading I had with Archangel Michael that I demurred from posting because I thought it would sound too strong to lightworkers but I’ve been told that it was meant to be published.
In it, Archangel Michael said that without us showing the Company of Heaven that we can and will take care of our own, why do we expect the Company of Heaven to take care of us?
“Why are human beings expecting to be granted millions and trillions of dollars when they are not willing to part with one dollar [in a monthly subscription]? It does not balance.” (1)
When he said that, I shuddered and asked him directly:
SB: Shall I publish what you’ve just said, or not?
AAM: [Decisively.] Yes! (2)
Always Archangel Michael is talking about anchoring the divine qualities into human life. And the processes of sharing and contributing are part of this anchoring process, this Reval of ourselves, this revaluation of our spiritual currency. Keep in mind that AAM considers this blog his “platform.”
“I’m pleading with you — Not with you [Steve], but with all of you. We have need to meet halfway, in terms of this creation.
“Yes, your wonderful contributors are meeting us halfway. Many of your readers give gratitude and do their light-work.
“And that is a creative effort. But there is further to go, and it is the anchoring of the spiritual beliefs, energies, vibrations, attunements, Tsunami — all of it — into the physical.
“And so often you have said, and we have discussed, what does this feel like? Well, it does not feel like fear. It does feel like generosity. And whether it is a dime or a dollar, it doesn’t matter. It is the giving. It is the creating. It is the, ‘I am part of this community, and therefore I contribute in whatever way I can.’
“And if you have no money, then do you take half an hour a day — because you aren’t working — do you take half an hour a day and send energy to erase gender inequality around the world? That is a contribution.” (3)
It is the giving that’s important. We must prime the pump if we want the waters of abundance to flow. We must overcome the insularity that our years of privation under the cabal’s rule has generated. We have to start showing the Company of Heaven that we care for and can take care of each other before we can expect the dam to burst.
I said in a previous article that the process of creating change has several steps. We need to move ourselves up a ladder that starts with a change of mind, but has to go farther than that if real change is to occur.
We need to go through a change of attitude as well. Most of us don’t take them seriously or pay attention to the appeals made by lightworkers who are leading us and so we deny them the resources they need to do the very jobs they contracted to do and then wonder why we remain leaderless.
According to my reading of the Company of Heaven, the very first action in building Nova Earth is to show that we can support our own leaders.
This calls for the next step up the ladder, which is a change in behavior. We need to actually take the time and go to the donations page and make the donation.
That will lead to the last step up the ladder, which is a change of heart. Actually taking committed action leads to a release of compassion which changes the heart-set, if I can coin a word, and has the power to change us from a passive bystander into an active leader.
So we’re asking you to prime the pump for the Reval by contributing, not only to this blog, but to all the others as well.
We average about 40,000 hits per day. Let’s say that equals 20,000 unique site visits a day. If each person were to take out a voluntary monthly subscription, that would provide enough money to pay for the team and site expenses and attend to all calls made upon the Hope Chest in a month. We’re asking for each person who reads the site regularly to make a $1.11 voluntary monthly donation or ” subscription.”
Any who cannot afford the sum are invited to contribute that amount of energy to others in need. The equivalent amount of service is not that much. In all our requests we believe that what we’re suggesting is not onerous on any one person; we believe it to be a moderate request. What is perhaps radical is the request that everyone take the time to actually do it.
And we’re asking that you do the same with Kauila, Wes Annac, Sandra Walter, Children of the Sun, Heavenletters and all the other blogs and other organizations that are leading us in our Ascension and reconstruction efforts.
Below are the instructions for making your donation. If you haven’t already begun your Ascension service, let this be the start. Let this be the commencement of your committed action to assist this planet to honor its responsibility in seeing to the care of Gaia and all her inhabitants. And don’t stop here, for Heaven’s sake.
Let this be a preparation for the period of abundance that we know is coming and in the service of which we need to flex our muscles and get ourselves in shape.
Thank you for listening and, most of all, thank you for acting.
To contribute to the Hope Chest, first click on the “Donate” button above left, or head to the Hope Chest logo in the right-hand margin of the site.
Second, to donate to the team, choose the “Site and Team Donations” under “Make a monthly donation.” To donate to general lightworkers in need, choose the “General Donations” option under “Make a monthly donation.”
(1) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 28, 2014.
(2) Loc. cit.
(3) Ibid., Aug. 6, 2013.