Let’s switch from looking at the meditation that happened on one day and recover our view of the overall process that happened over several days, during which I was having one realization after another. We’re drawing back our focus here.
I’d like you to notice the structure of what I’m raising here. I’m raising to awareness the structure of realization.
Awareness dawns and realization arises. And realization progresses. And progresses. And progresses until we tell it to stop.
So, now, Realization One. I saw I’d become my father.
Realization Two. Oh my Gawd, I have a split in my personality – just as Andrea’s guides said I did. Holy shzt! What is that split? I get lots of feedback from everybody. I try to put it together and then.…
Realization Three! Oh my Gawd, I see it now. I have two opposites in a constructed self. And they are positively like Jekyll and Hyde. No one ever told me about this one! How come I wasn’t told? Summon management!
Well, Andrea’s guides told me. So notice this part of the process at work as well. Our guides tell us or another source mirrors back to us. And awareness dawns. Awareness progresses until realization hits.
The energies of the Tsunami of Love also contributed, mightily. They raised my number to awareness. Who else’s awareness would it come up to? It’s my awareness that it needs to come up to, not that of my friends and colleagues. They can help me but all awaits me seeing it (awareness) and raising it to experiential knowledge (realization).
Calling Ourselves on Our Own Numbers
Calling ourselves on our numbers as soon was we see them is another vital part of the process. Others may or will call us, but that remains intellectual knowledge until we experience it.
Sharing it fixes it in our own deeper consciousness, preparing the way for realization. So it works if we call ourselves on it and it works if we share it. Not with thousands of lightworkers, as I’m doing here perhaps. And not with those who don’t have our best interests at heart.
Whichever way we go, we can’t take our baggage with us and, for some of us, letting go of it can be a rocky ride.
One thing I learned from this progressive realization was that the skeletons in my closet are coming up to be acknowledged. And I’m acknowledging them.
Jesus said: “Everything hidden will be revealed.” Well, these are the end times of which he spoke. And everything hidden is in fact being revealed.
If you want to benefit by this, perhaps start raising to your awareness the ways you have of being. Make known the ways of the self to the self.
Or as Werner said, put the truth in the place where the truth already is and the unwanted condition will lift.
If I really am a watered-down version of Jekyll and Hyde, will I ascend? Of course I will. Gawd, man, it’s just a constructed self. We’re all getting rid of them right now.
Squeeze the juice out of these moments of realization. Write them down. Get them out there. The water’s warm. You won’t die.
That’s what I’m doing. You don’t have to declare it to thousands of lightworkers, but I did. Perhaps take comfort from that.
I just said to thousands of lightworkers that I have a split in my personality that is a weak version of Jekyll and Hyde. If I can say that, think of what you can say.
Now back to the structure of Realizations.
Watch for the progressive realizations. Imagine them and allow what you imagine to be real. Don’t shut down to the experience of it or resist.
And at the end of it you’ll find … oh my Gawd, I’ve been … Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde! I thought I was Starman or St. Francis iof Assisi and instead I’ve become Caliban. And I’m still standing while declaring it.
My marching orders are to go through Ascension publicly and this what I’ve done here.
Let’s Review
Let’s pause now and review. What have I done here?
I’ve raised to awareness the nature of my constructed self, as difficult as that was and as unpleasant as the thought of communicating it. was And I communicated it here the moment I became aware of it.
I called myself on my own act and I shared it. And I’m still standing, breathing, feeling, etc.
So if I can do that, you can do it. And if I’m not that constructed self but the Self, so are you not the constructed self but the Self.
Now I won’t be in this same place a day from now. I’ll back to the grind, so to speak. Or I may take a vacation. Who knows! (Probably not. There’s too much to do.)
Any act played from awareness can be fun and educational. Make play of raising your worst acts to awareness and be done with them. Be free of them. Maybe you’ll turn out to be Frankenstein or Lucifer himself! Who cares? Just cough it up and let’s get on with it.
Just acknowledge it any way you can. Another day we may learn how to laugh at it all.
If we want to be in the Self, we have to be the Self.
This has been a long journey and I thank all those who’ve stayed with me. Going through Ascension publicly is about the hardest job I can imagine and your support sustains me.