It is truly a privilege to speak to the Divine Mother, who treats one with kid gloves (usually!!!) and is easing the curtain aside more and more to reveal some of the mysteries of life to us.
I also know that when I ask her a question that would be considered at all complex or mystical, she expects me to explain what I’m driving at on the blog. And I did ask her one of those on the show today. So let me explain here.
The Mother has revealed that she is sending us three more or less consecutive waves of energy. The first is the baptism of clarity. The second is a double helping of clarity plus a baptism of purity. And the third is a baptism of love.
I expect that the third wave will turn out to be what others are calling “the Event,” but that’s just a guess on my part.
But there is something very familiar about the order in which this is happening and even about the double helping of clarity. Let me explain.
Hindus like Shankara, Sri Ramakrishna and many modern Hindu masters will tell you that there is a basic movement to spirituality. (1) The way I put the three steps is: Discriminate between the Real and unreal; detach from the unreal; and attach or devote yourself to the Real.
Hindu masters don’t say it exactly that way. Let me give the example of Sri Ramakrishna to show how it’s contained in what he says, but said a mite differently. In my own version, I’ve extrapolated from what he says.
“One may enter the world after attaining discrimination and dispassion [i.e., detachment]. In the ocean of the world there are six alligators: lust, anger, and so forth. But you need not fear the alligators if you smear your body with turmeric.
“Discrimination is the knowledge of what is real and what is unreal. It is the realization that God alone is the real and eternal Substance, and that all else is unreal, transitory, impermanent.
“And you must cultivate intense zeal for God [i.e., devotion]. You must feel love for Him and be attracted to Him. … Yearning is all you need in order to realize Him.” (2)
Now why a second helping of discrimination? Well, first of all, yes, enlightenment is the purpose of life. But the acquisition of discrimination is the purpose of physical life; i.e, the purpose of incarnating in a physical body. Sri Krishna says: “Lose discrimination, and you miss life’s only purpose.” (3)
And: “I regard discrimination between Field [physical body] and Knower [soul, Atman or Christ] as the highest kind of knowledge.” (4)
Discrimination playing such a central role in life and being the foundation upon which all else rests in achieving the purpose of life, I can appreciate why an extra helping of it is in order.
Let’s now look perhaps at what the Divine Mother is doing, as far as I can see. She’s sending us three waves of energy: clarity, purity, and love. Is this not accomplishing the basic spiritual movement of life? Is clarity not discrimination between the Real and the unreal? Is purity not detachment from the unreal? Is love not attachment or devotion to the Real?
I asked her if I was offbase in this appraisal and she replied:
“No, dear angel, you are not offbase in the slightest. … You are on track. There are many different pathways which has been part of the richness of the discovery and the Hindu path of this understanding is very insightful and accurate.”
Well, that statement for me represents a very significant contribution from the Mother to the cross-cultural understanding of what life is all about and every time the Mother validates a piece of that particular puzzle, I personally feel ecstatic … and need to sing about it.
On “the Event,” she said:
“The Event is a tsunami of love, but it is not a singular event. This has been in preparation and this preparation did not simply begin with my gift of clarity.”
That said, I’d expect the wave of purity to come next and the wave of love to come after it, which is to say, “the Event” will come after this current wave of purity. Not like I’d be willing to venture a date. I do not understand or read eternal time, so to speak, I’m afraid.
Lastly, I’m not sure if you noticed how slowly the Divine Mother was speaking. I interpret that to mean that she is letting more and more of her essence through as we mature in our ability to hear and understand her. I tremble to think what she’ll be telling us a month or two from now as we expand further in understanding and soul growth.
And just before I go chop wood and draw water, let me answer a question from a reader who says that they didn’t feel any difference after the wave of clarity.
Actually, the soul does not traffic in “feelings.” What impacts the soul does not necessarily show up for us as something we feel.
I do experience a terrific difference myself, even at the feeling level. I feel much greater amounts of love compared to what I felt previously. Of course this is helped quite a bit by a new spiritual partnership.
But even without that, I experience my clarity having increased. But again clarity cannot be directly or easily detected at a feeling level.
We’re accustomed to using our largely Third-Dimensional senses and other 3D criteria to assess what’s happening and it isn’t happening from or at a Third-Dimensional level. That makes matters difficult and can be frustrating.
I get that it’s hard for many people to find how to assess or feel what we’re going through. It’s hard for me too. I’m actually not sure what to say about how to detect the difference because I’m not that knowledgable in these matters myself. Hopefully I will be soon, but then so will you be!!! In the sense that we’ll all emerge into our mastership, all of us commentators have, in a way, our “best before” date!
But patience remains important as we pass through these processes which largely don’t succumb to our understanding or allow detection by our physical senses.
(1) See for instance the quotes under “Discriminate between the Unreal and the Real, Detach from the Unreal, and Devote Yourself to the Real – Three Prerequisites for knowing God” at
(2) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 140.
(3) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 42. [Hereafter BG.]
(4) Ibid., 100. The whole passage is instructive:
“Thinking about sense-objects
Will attach you to sense-objects;
Grow attached, and you become addicted;
Thwart your addiction, it turns to anger;
Be angry, and you confuse the mind;
Confuse your mind, you forget the lesson of experience;
Forget experience, you lose discrimination;
Lose discrimination, and you miss life’s only purpose.” (Sri Krishna in BG, 42.)