The agenda for Monday’s hour with Archangel Michael may change, but initially what I propose to do is to start off by asking the Boss to look at Bill Brockbrader’s situation. I’ll ask him which offices participated in altering Bill’s records, what their motives were, etc. I’ll ask him if the people saying that Bill was not a SEAL are sincere or insincere, whether the Company of Light is assisting Bill, and what assistance he can expect.
The reason I say this agenda is tentative is that Archangel Michael doesn’t hold one being as more or less worthy or innocent than another. Once when I asked him if George Bush Sr. was born in Germany, he paused and responded that that soul did not want the matter discussed. So I don’t want inadvertently to back him into a corner publicly where he is made to pit souls against each other because I’ve phrased my question that way. So I need to allow him leeway.
Then I plan to pretend that he’s the keynote speaker at a conference of prominent lightworkers. Bill is there, Cobra, Drake, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Inelia Benz, perhaps Mike Quinsey, John Smallman, Blossom Goodchild, and others. I’ll ask him to take several topics and give advice to the assembled lightworkers on them: mass arrests, popular dissent (the Occupy Movement, Arab Spring), NESARA, and Disclosure. What would he want leading lightworkers to know and think about relating to these matters?
Everyone is invited.
An Hour with an Angel airs Monday, May 28, 2012 at 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time