More and more is coming out about the effects of chemtrails and Vitamin D absorption; specifically, that the light frequency needed for Vitamin D production is blocked by the aluminum in the chemtrails. Vitamin D is critical for many health processes. This 13-minute video includes interviews with physicians discussing the health consequences of insufficient levels of Vitamin D.
This video was posted in 12/2010 and is again making the rounds. Even aside from the alleged Vitamin D connection, it is well worth watching. The narrator asks the critical question, “Why is this aerosol spraying program not being openly talked about?” Where are the AMA, the NIH, the CDC, WHO and other official bodies on this assault on the health of the planet’s citizens? The enormity of the cover-up is staggering and affects every level of society, from the White House to the military to Corporate complicity to Congress to the UN to the media.
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