This study examines the views on enlightenment of terrestrial saints, sages, and avatars and compares them with the views on ascension of members of the Galactic Federation and the terrestrial spiritual hierarchy, most of whom belong to the White Brotherhood, responsible for the evolution of the human race.
For convenience sake, I’ll call the first the “masters of enlightenment” and the second the “masters of ascension.”
The “ascension” I’m referring to is well covered by other articles on this site and can be studied in detail at the webpage “The Promise of Ascension,” located at
Ascension is probably equal to the level of enlightenment called “Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi”
Before looking at the similarities and differences between enlightenment and ascension, let me state my belief that there are virtually endless levels of enlightenment. (1) Which level of enlightenment does ascension most closely correspond to?
In my opinion, the fact that ascension is a permanent, stable, unitive enlightenment, that it results in a permanently-blissful condition, and that it leads to a cessation of physical karma points to it being equivalent to a level that Sri Ramana Maharshi calls “sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi,” which he defines as:
“Holding onto the Supreme State is Samadhi. When it is with effort due to mental disturbances, it is Savikalpa. When these disturbances are absent, it is Nirvikalpa. Remaining permanently in the primal state without effort is Sahaja.” (2)
For a complete discussion of this level of enlightenment, go to this webpage and search on “sahaja”: .
There are several ways in which enlightenment and ascension resemble each other and several ways in which ascension is unique. The similarities will be discussed in Part 1; the differences in Part 2.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension Offer Methods of Escaping Duality
Both enlightenment and ascension are said to be means of escaping duality. However, unlike the masters of ascension, the masters of enlightenment do not mix into their discussions the notion that we will rise up from this dimension. They simply say that the perception of duality brings us fear, grief, and rebirth while the ending of duality brings liberation.
This teaching is found in ancient Hinduism. For example, the Upanishads teaches that “so long as there is the least idea of separation from him, there is fear.” (3)
The Vedic sage, Dattatreya, agrees: “Those who see duality are always submerged in an ocean of grief.” (4)
So does Kabir, who advises us to “behold but One in all things; it is the second that leads you astray.” (5)
When we see only one, when we have unitive consciousness, Dattatreya teaches, fear and grief end.
“When everything in this world, including the body, becomes unreal and void like space, then truly one knows [God]. Then there is no longer any parade of dualities for him.” (6)
The great monastic reformer, Shankara, describes unitive consciousness as our destination:
“[In permanent enlightenment] there is a continuous consciousness of the unity of Atman and Brahman. There is no longer any identification of the Atman with its coverings. All sense of duality is obliterated. There is pure, unified consciousness. The man who is well established in this consciousness is said to be illumined. For him, the sorrows of this world are over. Though he possesses a finite body, he remains united with the Infinite. His heart knows no anxiety.” (7)
According to Sen T’sen, the Third Zen Patriarch, unitive knowledge brings us back to our original state of grace:
“When the ten thousand things are viewed in their oneness,
We return to the origin and remain where we have always been.” (8)
J. Krishnamurti explains:
“The experiencing of the integral, unitary process frees the mind from its dualism. Thus the total process of the mind, the open as well as the hidden, is experienced and understood – not piece by piece, activity by activity, but in its entirety.” (9)
Da Free John also counsels us to “abide as That which does not, when scrutinized, show any duality in the form of these various objects or the least trace of cause and effect, That in which, when the mind is absorbed in It, there is no fear of duality at all.” (10)
Swami Saradananda’s description of Paramahansa Ramakrishna’s attainment of unitive consciousness suggests what occurs when we transcend duality, conceived here as the existence of a separate “I.”
“When the I-consciousness of the Master vanished altogether, he remained in oneness with the ‘unqualified being of the Divine Mother’ beyond the limits of this all-pervading I. And with the vanishing of this ‘individual I’ vanished also the last vestige of the infinite waves of ideas emerging from that ‘immense ‘I’, which we call the universe.” (11)
The masters of ascension are facing the task of lifting up a significant proportion of humanity and so, in my opinion, we cannot expect them, prior to “First Contact,” to go into detail about the process of ascension as the terrestrial masters of enlightenment do.
Here I simply want to point out that the masters of enlightenment and of ascension both direct themselves to the problem of exiting duality. Says Galactic Federation (GF) spokesman SaLuSa:
“Ascension is that very process you can join that will bring an end to your need to continue in the cycle of duality.” (12)
“The divine decree [of Ascension] … offers you the opportunity to permanently leave duality.” (13)
“You stand at the threshold of Ascension, enabling you to leave the cycle of duality for the higher dimensions where peace, happiness, joy and love reign.” (14)
Other GF colleagues of SaLuSa’s, like Diane, Atmos, and Ag-Agria, all of Sirius, also predict the end of duality through ascension. Says Diane:
“You are meant to return to the higher levels now that your time in duality has almost been completed. From now on it is all progress on the upward path, and we are overjoyed that before much longer we shall be facing the future together.” (15)
Atmos maintains that “the plan of enlightenment started long ago and has brought about an awakening that has moved you onto the path of Ascension. It is [a] major opportunity to leave the Earth in its present lower [i.e., dual] dimension and proceed with it to the higher levels.” (16)
Ag-Agria tells us that ascension was planned as a means for humanity to leave this lower dimension.
“You have come back many times and tried to lift Humanity up, but the dark forces have been too strong. However, in the midst of it all a Light has begun to shine out as the love energy has permeated the grids of Earth, creating the opportunity for any soul who so desires to lift up. It came in good time to open up a path that those of the Light could follow, and it came to be named Ascension.” (17)
Spirit teacher Matthew Ward is an exception to this galactic band. He is a terrestrial spirit and master teacher widely respected by the galactics, but he makes the same claim that ascension is the means for humanity as a whole to exit duality.
“To achieve the balanced experiencing necessary for spiritual growth, a soul may spend hundreds or more lifetimes evolving out of duality’s negative potential into the positive end of the spectrum, where the energy of love, peace, generosity, harmony, honor and kindness prevails. In this unique time in the universe when all experiencing is being accelerated, souls have been given the unprecedented opportunity to evolve out of third density’s low vibrations and physically accompany Earth into higher energy planes.” (18)
Thus, the first thing that both enlightenment and ascension share is that both provide a means to escape duality.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension Share Karmic Resolution
The masters of enlightenment say that permanent or sahaja samadhi ends karma. Speaking of it, Anandamoyi Ma says: “By the instant of one’s birth one’s experience of life is conditioned: but the Supreme Instant that is revealed in the course of sadhana leads to the completion of action, to the exhaustion of one’s karma. (19)
Paramahansa Yogananda states that “in nirbikalpa samadhi the yogi dissolves the last vestiges of his material or earthly karma.” (20) The samadhi would have to be unbroken or sahaja for this to happen.
Sri Ramana adds that “as soon as [a man] realizes the Self through enquiry as to who is the doer his sense of being the doer falls away and the triple karma is ended. This is the state of eternal Liberation. (21)
The masters of ascension also state that ascension ends physical karma. For instance, SaLuSa says that, upon ascension, “the Law of Grace will ensure that no karmic residue will travel with you.” (22)
According to SaLuSa, during these end times, “karma is being rapidly cleared to ensure the highest levels of Light are reached upon Earth. The lower energies are being transmuted, as much due to your application of the Light as well as ours.” (23)
Spirit teacher Saul, speaking through John Smallman, also holds that, after ascension, “all [will] celebrate this wonderful release from the treadmill of karma.” (24)
Therefore enlightenment (that is, sahaja samadhi) and ascension share the same objective of releasing us from physical karma.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension Promise an End to Reincarnation
The seeing of duality keeps us going from death to death. Jesus uses the metaphor of a house divided against itself to make the point.
“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” (25)
The Upanishads make the point without using metaphor: “He who sees the manifold universe, and not the one reality, goes evermore from death to death.” (26)
The First Zen Patriarch, Bodhidharma, agrees and advises that enlightenment will release us from both karma and rebirth. “As long as a person keeps creating karma, he keeps passing through birth and death. But once a person realizes his original nature, he stops creating karma.” (27)
An end to karma implies an end to the need to reincarnate in physical circumstances. It is our physical cravings and aversions that create karma. Jesus says that those who overcome these desires will not need to reincarnate: “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out.” (28)
Paramahansa Yogananda gives the wider context of Jesus’ teachings on the end of reincarnation.
“God so loved the world (or matter) that He gave His only begotten Son to redeem it; that is, God the Father remained hidden as Christ Intelligence in all matter and in all living beings in order to bring all things, by beautiful evolutional coaxings, back to His home of All-Blessedness when they should overcome all mortal tests, and should reincarnate in matter no more; i.e., ‘go no more out.’” (29)
Sri Ramana Maharshi explicitly states that sahaja ends reincarnation: “Sahaja Nirvikalpa is permanent and in it lies liberation from rebirth.” (30)
This knowledge has been taught in India since ancient times. Say the Upanishads: “Knowing him … one is freed from death.” (31) Sri Krishna agrees: “Those who reach [my highest state of being] are not reborn.” (32) And later Shankara also concurred: “Realize Brahman, and there will be no more returning to this world — the home of all sorrows.” (33)
SaLuSa states that ascension too will eliminate the need to reincarnate in 3D: “These final years are clearly the most important ones, as they offer a unique opportunity to move out of the cycle of reincarnation.” (34) Elsewhere he calls ascension an “opportunity to move off the wheel of rebirth.” (35)
Speaking of ascension, the Spiritual Hierarchy, speaking through Lauren Gorgo, states that “rebirth, renewal, and reward is at hand.” (36) The dimension into which we are reborn does not requires us to enter the Third Dimension again.
Here too enlightenment and ascension are seemingly in accord.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension Do Not End Until We Reunite with Source
Moreover, neither enlightenment nor ascension ends until we’ve completed our journey from God to God. In this sense, we can say that enlightenment goes on virtually forever, ending only in the extinction of our individuality through mergence in the Divine in a stage well past the human.
As Adilakshmi, attendant to Mother Meera, said: “Whatever experience you have had, however extraordinary, remember that there are further and greater experiences. The Divine Life is endless; the being of God is infinite.” (37)
Says the Koran: “I swear by the glow of sunset; by the night, and all that it brings together; by the moon, in her full perfection: that you shall march onwards from state to state.” (38)
Paramahansa Ramakrishna agrees: “No one can put a limit to spiritual experience. If you refer to one experience, there is another beyond that, and still another, and so on.” (39)
Bulgarian master of enlightenment Beinsa Douno held that “we think that man is on the highest rung of the evolutionary ladder, but evolution is without end. Just as there are beings that exist below man, there are Beings that exist above man as well. These Beings evolved from the universes of the past.” (40)
Douno’s American contemporary, Franklin Merrell-Wolff, stated the case most plainly. I’d like to quote him at some length:
“I cannot too strongly emphasize the fact that Liberation is no more the end of life than is a college commencement the end of the young man or woman who graduates. It is simply the end of one stage and the beginning of another. The really worth-while Life begins after Liberation.” (41)
“A certain Sage [that Wolff met in the higher dimensions] …, speaking of unfolded Consciousness above the level of the highest human Adepts, said: ‘We attain glimpses of Consciousness so Transcendent, rising level upon level, that the senses fairly reel before the awe-inspiring Grandeur.’
“Here, certainly, is space for evolution far beyond the highest possibility of man as man.” (42)
“Truly, within the Infinite there are Mysteries within Mysteries, Deeps beyond Deeps, Grandeurs beyond Grandeurs. … Mystery of Mysteries, reaching inward and outward, but ever Beyond! And from that Beyond ever there come new whisperings of other imponderable Glories. Ah! How little is this world at the beginning of the Trail, barely a point in a Space of unlimited dimensions!” (43)
“Beyond [the sage’s] attainment, whatever it may be, there lie further mysteries awaiting his resolution. In other words, We find no conceivable end to evolution.” (44)
Though enlightenment appears endless, it does in fact reach an end when we irrevocably extinguish our individuality through final mergence with God, but this outcome is many rungs of enlightenment beyond our human existence.
Similarly, the masters of ascension hold that ascension continues until we re-unite with God. For example, SaLuSa states that “Ascension … will never cease until you return to the absolute Source.” (45) He amplifies:
“The world is not going to end and indeed it must keep evolving, as that is the nature of All That Is. It cannot stand still and is mystically attracted to the Source, where you will finally reach the ultimate completion of the return journey. The Creator draws all back into its Being, only to again commence further great cycles of experience. Such possibilities must seem so far away from your present ones, and with your limited levels of consciousness it is too much to expect any real understanding. Even for us the mysteries still exist, and with seemingly no end to creation there is so much more to experience.” (46)
Elsewhere he confirms that “there is far to go and many experiences to be had, before you reach the ultimate goal.”
“Life will go on into infinity and there are always going to be opportunities to lift up into higher dimensions. Just imagine life as one great experience of harmony and happiness, because that is what lies ahead of you.” (47)
Archangel Michael, channeling through Ronna Herman, agrees with SaLuSa:
“As you have probably heard before, ascension is an ever-evolving, continuous, on-going evolutionary process and not a destination.” (48)
“There are many levels and stages of ascension: personal earthly ascension, whereby you gradually balance and harmonize your chakra centers which in turn triggers the process of clearing your physical vessel and your auric field of discordant energies. … Ultimately, we will experience the universal ascension process together. This phase of ascension will take place in the far-distant future.” (49)
Beyond universal ascension are more experiences. As SaLuSa reminds us: “All are on a never-ending journey.” (50)
He adds: “The whole purpose of our coming is to join up with you and together we shall walk the final path to completion. Yet that is simply the commencement of another journey.” (51)
Therefore enlightenment and ascension are said to share the characteristic of being virtually endless, both leading all the way back to the God from whom we originated.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension Result in Bliss
Paramahansa Yogananda quotes the Hindu scriptures to the effect that “If thou canst transcend the body and perceive thyself as Spirit, thou shalt be eternally blissful, free from all pain.” (52)
Those who have experienced high states of enlightenment attest to their establishment in bliss. Here is Paramahansa Yogananda’s paramguru, Lahiri Mahasaya:
“I sat that afternoon on my blanket, hallowed by associations and past-life realizations. My divine guru approached and passed his hand over my head. I entered the nirbikalpa samadhi state, remaining unbrokenly in its bliss for seven days. Crossing the successive strata of Self-knowledge, I penetrated the deathless realms of Reality. All delusive limitations dropped away; my soul was fully established on the altar of the Cosmic Spirit.” (53)
And here Swami Pranabananda attests to his establishment in bliss:
“In meditation that night the burning Goal of my life was achieved. Now I ceaselessly enjoy the spiritual pension. Never from that day has the Blissful Creator remained hidden from my eyes behind any screen of delusion.” (54)
Eckhart Tolle experienced profound bliss following his enlightenment:
“For the next five months, I lived in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss. After that, it diminished somewhat in intensity, or perhaps it just seemed to because it became my natural state. I could still function in the world, although I realized that nothing I ever did could possibly add anything to what I already had.” (55)
The Buddha also held that the “highest Reality is an exalted state of bliss.” (56) Sri Ramana agrees: “Getting rid of non-existent misery and attaining Bliss, which is the only existence, that is the definition of Moksha.” (57)
The masters of ascension make the same claim for ascension – that it leads to all-satisfying bliss.
Says SaLuSa: “Just imagine life as one great experience of harmony and happiness, because that is what lies ahead of you.” (58)
Saul compares it to a blissful tsunami:
“Joy is rolling in like a tidal wave to sweep you all up in the wonder of the Reality that God created, with limitless enthusiasm. … Your eternal happiness is close at hand.” (59)
“It is your Father’s Will and yours that you make this move back into His glorious Presence … where everlasting bliss waits you.” (60)
According to him, it is something we have been yearning for since forever.
“The clarity of vision, perception, understanding, and the physical sensations that come with full consciousness can only be experienced; descriptions of it are impossibly inadequate. And yet of course we have to talk about it and be aware that it is indeed a state of exhilaration and wonder for which we have been yearning for eons.” (61)
Atmos of Sirius tells us if we knew what was ahead of us we would stop all else and prepare for it.
“The stage is set for a grand finale and a glorious time of enlightenment and the spreading of much love and harmony.” (62)
“If you only knew what that meant in terms of the joyous and happy life you would lead, you would concentrate on preparing yourselves for such an occasion. When all your needs are catered for and you could have a wondrous and exciting life, free from earthly worries and concerns, what would offer you a better way forward?” (63)
Here again, then, the masters of enlightenment and of ascension lead us to believe that both conditions lead to the same state of bliss.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension are Permanent
Furthermore, our enjoyment of these blissful conditions is permanent whether considered as enlightenment or ascension. However in enlightenment, much practice is required whereas ascension will be gained without the necessity of the same degree of practice because of divine intervention and dispensation.
Says Sri Ramana:
“By repeated practice one can become accustomed to turning inwards and finding the Self. One must always and constantly make an effort, until one has permanently realized. Once the effort ceases, the state becomes natural and the Supreme takes possession of the person with an unbroken current.” (64)
Annamalei Swami makes a similar point.
“If there are breaks in your Self-awareness, it means that you are not a jnani [enlightened sage] yet. Before one becomes established in the Self without any breaks, without any changes, one has to contact and enjoy the Self many times. By steady meditation and the continued practice of self-inquiry, one will finally become permanently established in the Self, without any breaks.” (65)
Adyashanti also demonstrates that he knows this state: “The fulfillment of all true forms of spirituality is awakening to the fundamental reality of what you are; not just for a moment, but permanently.” (66)
SaLuSa also knows this permanent state and says it will be achieved with ascension:
“Your future is to return to what you always were, and as one who exists as a Being of freedom, great joy and happiness. We know that you sometimes reach a state of stillness within, and momentarily experience the exaltation of perfect peace. Think what it will be like to move within its beauty and majesty all of the time, because that is how it will be.” (67)
His associate, Ker-On of Venus, says: “Of course you have your moments of happiness on Earth, but they are usually brief compared to the permanent state of the higher realities.” (68)
Thus, both sahaja enlightenment and ascension share the same quality of permanence.
Both Enlightenment and Ascension are Mechanisms of Spiritual Evolution
First let’s establish that God has a plan for life. J. Krishnamurti confirms that God’s plan is spiritual evolution, from Him to Him:
“The really important thing is … the knowledge of God’s plan for men. For God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a man has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (69)
The well-known British spirit guide, White Eagle, identifies enlightenment, or awakening, as the mechanism of evolution: “The whole purpose of incarnation is this slow evolution of the spirit, its awakening in matter, to self-consciousness and God consciousness.” (70)
And Swamis Rama and Ajaya describe the ever-expanding nature of successive enlightenments in the evolutionary unfolding of the individual soul:
“Our growth and evolution consists of realizing that the Self underlies all outer forms and working toward loosening our involvement with external and passing aspects of life. Growth means attaining [a] larger and larger perspective which leaves behind the narrow identification with a particular role, body or personality.” (71)
SaLuSa holds that ascension is the mechanism of spiritual evolution: “The object of working your way to Ascension is to move into a state of enlightenment and continue to evolve.” (72) He asks: “Do you now feel and understand the greater purpose of experiencing duality? It is a stage in your evolution that has expanded your earlier levels of consciousness.” (73) He adds that ascension will continue almost indefinitely: “Life will go on into infinity and there are always going to be opportunities to lift up into higher dimensions.” (74)
Thus the masters of enlightenment and ascension agree that the expansion involved in each is a continuing mechanism of our overall spiritual evolution on our journey back to the Source from which we originated.
These are some of the areas in which enlightenment and ascension share some of the same ends and means. In the next part of this article, I’d like to look at the areas where ascension is different from enlightenment, where ascension is “enlightenment plus.”
(1) On this subject, see “Enlightenment is Virtually Endless” at
(2) Ramana Maharshi, in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 89. (Hereafter GR.)
(3) Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads. Breath of the Eternal. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 56. (Hereafter, UPAN.)
(4) Dattatreya in Swami Chetanananda, Avadhuta Gita. The Song of the Ever-Free. Calcutta: Advaita Ashram, 1988, xxi. (Hereafter AG.)
(5) Kabir in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 10. (Hereafter PP.)
(6) Dattatreya, AG, ibid, 20.
(7) Shankara, quoted in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., How to Know God. The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. New York, etc.: New American Library, 1969; c1953, 64.
(8) Sen T’sen, the Third Zen Patriarch, in PP, 74.
(9) J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 69.
(10) Da Free John in The Heart of the Ribhu Gita. Los Angeles: Dawn Horse Press, 1973, 20.)
(11) Swami Saradananda, Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master. Madras, Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1979, 443
(12) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009, at
(13) Ibid., March 11, 2009.
(14) Ibid., Sept. 14, 2009.
(15) Diane of Sirius, Feb. 2, 2009, at
(16) Atmos, Dec. 17, 2008, at
(17) Ag-Agria, June 12, 2009, at
(18) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at
(19) Anandamoyi Ma in Anon. Matri Darshan. Nordlingen: Mangalam Verlag S. Schang, 1988/94.
(20) Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay: Jaico, 1975, 409n. (Hereafter AY.)
(21) Ramana Maharshi, Forty Verses on Reality. Trans. Arthur Osborne. Mountain Path, October 1964. Donwloaded from, 25 August 2005, verse 38.
(22) SaLuSa, March 17, 2010, at
(23) Ibid., Feb. 17, 2010.
(24) Saul, “The coming changes that have been divinely decreed will occur precisely on schedule,” through John Smallman, May 31, 2009, at
(25) Jesus in Matthew 12:25.
(26) UPAN, 21.
(27) Bodhidharma in Red Pine, trans., The Zen Teachings of Bodhidharma. Port Townsend, WA, Empty Bowl, 1987, 20.
(28) Jesus in Revelation 3:12.
(29) Paramahansa Yogananda in The Second Coming of Christ. Vol. 1. Dallas: Amrita Foundation, 1979, 28.
(30) Ramana Maharshi, GR, 88.
(31) Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads. Breath of the Eternal. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 20.
(32) Sri Krishna in BG, 77.
(33) Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 69.
(34) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2008, ibid.
(35) Ibid., Dec. 16, 2009.
(36) Spiritual Hierarchy, Dec. 9, 2008, through Lauren Gorgo, at
(37) Adilakshmi, Mother Meera, 89.
(38) N.J. Dawood, trans. The Koran. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964; c1959, 48.
(39) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 624. (Hereafter GSR.)
(40) Beinsa Douno, “Culture of the Angels,” in The Wellspring of Good. Downloaded from, accessed 21 Feb. 2005, n.p.
(41) Franklin Merrell-Wolff in Pathways Through to Space. A Personal Record of Transformation in Consciousness. New York: Julian Press, 1973, 89.
(42) Ibid., 17.
(43) Ibid., 115.
(44) Ibid., 43.
(45) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010, ibid.
(46) Ibid., Feb. 26, 2010.
- (47) Ibid., Sept. 18, 2009.
(48) Archangel Michael, May monthly message, through Ronna Herman, at<P>
(49) Archangel Michael, “Passport to Ascension,” May 2009, through Ronna Herman, at
(50) SaLuSa, April 20, 2009, ibid.
(51) Ibid., Feb. 23, 2009.
(52) Paramahansa Yogananda, The Science of Religion. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1982, 51-2.
(53) Lahiri Mahasaya, after being touched by his guru Babaji, in Paramahansa Yogananda, AY, 313.
(54) Swami Pranabananda in Yogananda, AY, 24.
(55) Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now. Vancouver: Namaste Publishing, 1997, 1.
(56) The Buddha in Dwight Goddard, A Buddhist Bible. Boston: Beacon Press, 1966; c1938, 287.
(57) Ramana Maharshi in M. Subbaraya Karnath, Sri Maharshi: A Short Life-Sketch. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasaramam, 1986, 51.
(58) SaLuSa., Sept. 9, 2009, ibid.
(59) Saul, “A big increase in energy is allowing apparent problems to dissolve,” July 19, 2009, ibid.
(60) Saul,” “Thank your Father that it is only an illusion,” Feb. 10, 2010, ibid.
(61) Saul, “Full consciousness is where humanity is headed,” June 17, 2009, ibid.
(62) Atmos, Oct. 13, 2008, at
(63) Ibid., Nov, 21, 2008.
(64) Ramana Maharshi in Paul Brunton and Munagala Venkataramaiah. Conscious Immortality. Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Rev. ed. 1996, n.p.
(65) Annamalei Swami in Berthold Madhukar Thompson, The Odyssey of Enlightenment. San Rafael: Wisdom Editions, 2003, 110.
(66) Adyashanti, Downloaded from, 16 May 2004.
(67) SaLuSa, May 20, 2009, ibid.
(68) Ker-On, July 3, 2009, at
(69) Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910, 17.
(70) White Eagle, Wisdom from White Eagle. Liss: White Eagle Publishing Trust, 1983, 49.
(71) Swami Rama and Swami Ajaya, Creative Use of Emotion. Honesdale, PN: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A., 1976, 85.
(72) SaLuSa, April 6, 2009, ibid.
(73) Ibid., June 19, 2009.
(74) Ibid., Sept. 9, 2009.