Two team members have had readings in which Archangel Michael discussed “heartfelt communication.” We just realized that he spoke to both of us about the same subject. That must say it’s in the wind.
I’m going to post the conversation I had with him about it and the second extract will follow. I’m told the second one is wise guidance as well.
If anyone has had readings with Archangel Michael that touch on subjects of importance, as the one that follows does, and they’re willing to have them be posted, can they send them along please? This is hidden wisdom that needs to see the light of day.
Communication for me, and I think I can say for him, is not simply the propulsion of words between two people. It’s “getting” the other person and revealing oneself at the deepest level possible.
It’s a way of being and a way of extending who we are. It’s critical to what I’ve often called emergence. (1) And emergence is what we’re doing right now in the face of the Tsunami of Love. Or whatever you’d like to call the rising vibrations that so many of the channels are speaking about.
Communication involves harmlessness and truthfulness, compassion and commitment. It involves transparency but without being annoying.
I’m writing about communication at this time because I feel we need to recover the lost art of what Archangel Michael here calls “heartfelt communication.”
The conversation begins with Archangel Michael responding to me after I said that I was going to say a certain thing, similar to what he had just said, but I wasn’t quick enough to formulate it. He replies:
Archangel Michael: Dear heart, we don’t expect you to have everything clearly formulated. That’s what human conversation both subtle and actual is about. It is about comparing notes. (1) Not in judgment, but in discernment and arriving at deeper or more joyous or higher [levels].
S: I should write about that. It may be that people have forgotten it.
AAM: What has happened, well, you are correct. The true art – and it is an art and it can be measured in science, in your science – the true art of heart communication, well, if it hasn’t been completely lost, it has certainly been very distorted within the old Third.
Now what is happening with sacred unions is there is this opportunity. And we mean all kinds of sacred unions. What is being opened is the opportunity to renew and rediscover and raise the bar in terms of heart communication.
So that all the dross is eliminated. So that there truly is … and it is not to override the mind because the mind is a complement; it is brilliant; it is intended to be analytical. But it’s also not to override the heart. It’s to stand in partnership with the heart.
Human beings in this realm have chosen, and of course it is part of the Mother’s Design that you have, verbal, oral, sound communication. And within those sounds is so much energy.
You know that when someone grunts at you, or laughs with you, the different realm and space. There is the dismissive “What?” Or the engaging “What?”
And [the engaging “What?”] is how you enter into heart communication. Granted it is telepathic but that is the level at which your star brothers and sisters communicate.
There is no room for artifice. And there is no room for the subtext.
S: When the message is passed along in the vocal tone rather than the words? Oh, I hate that. [Grumbles and snarls.]
AAM: There is no room for it. That is not where you are going.
Who says that we’re not getting mentored? That the celestials are not guiding us? Here we’re being given a whole new way of communicating, just as he gave us earlier a whole new way of relating. (3)
Let the heart and mind work together to deliver and receive love. That is heartfelt communication for me.
I’m not there yet but I’m also very interested. He’s definitely caught my ear.
(1) See the articles under “Emergence” at
(2) Comparing notes means me sharing what I’ve been discovering and you sharing what you’ve been discovering. But there is more to this comment than that.
This is an example of him showing me that he knows about me. He knows my thoughts. He knows that I’ve been writing and talking about sharing ourselves and comparing notes. But this reading took place before I wrote that article. However I was already writing it in my mind. It shows the archangels’ ability to know what’s in another’s mind. And to me these hints that he gives are “evidentiary.” They prove that we’re talking to whomever and whatever the spiritual being is, in this case, Archangel Michael. I post both articles today because they are related.
(3) His words are in “Some Suggestions to Spiritual Couples” at and “Welcome to the New Paradigm” at