Feb. 11, 2013 = 11 + 11 + 11+ 11 + 11
We are three days away from Nova Earth Day.
We are three days away from our greatest opportunity to date to realize our common humanness, our global citizenship, and our Team Earth membership for the purpose of building a world that works for everyone.
We are three days away from taking up the opportunity to express our love for and gratitude to Gaia, the archangelic spirit who moves and motivates this physical form we call Earth.
We are three days away from declaring that we’ll no longer allow inequality on this planet, that we’ll no longer tolerate the violent treatment of women and children, that we’ll no longer turn aside from the brutalization of people.
We are three days away from taking cognizance of our existence and being as a human collective, united in saying “no” to oppression and exploitation, wherever it is found.
We are three days away from standing up as a world and telling those who’ve instituted and institutionalized such arrangements that we’ll no longer live under their rule and that we’ll bring such a social order down, if we need to, and build a new one based on unity, peace, and equality.
We are three days away from coming together as a world and joining in ten minutes of silence from 1:01 p.m. to 1:11 p.m. (local time). Such a gesture is recognized in the higher realms as an expression of global free will. Such a gesture frees the hands of higher-dimensional beings to help us bring in and realize global abundance, world peace, and total equality.
We are three days away from asking for our inheritance of love and compassion from a willing and joyous Creator who simply awaits our doing so before opening the floodgates of beneficence and abundance.
We are three days away from acknowledging our power as a world, our willingness to forgive, and our desire to move forward into a new era as a galactic society.
We are three days away from expressing our desire to unite with our star brothers and sisters who’ve come here and midwifed this successful evolution of love that has liberated our planet and set it on the road to galactic citizenship in the federations and councils of love.