This website is unflinchingly, unabashedly pro-Obama.
That doesn’t mean I don’t regret President Obama’s errors, like using the words “kick ass” in relation to BP. (If he did use those words. I’m relying on a press account and haven’t heard the words myself.) “Kick ass” alienated a lot of Britons whose pensions are in BP. Not a wise selection of words.
But we all make mistakes. Heavens, I’ve made several today and the day is still young.
However, in my view, Barack Obama is a good man, with a good heart and good intentions. George Washington was a good man. Abraham Lincoln was a good man. Both made mistakes. In the same way, I see Barack Obama as a good man.
He has the intelligence for the job, the courage, and all the other pre-requisites. I think he is being unfairly bashed by the press, the New World Order, fundamentalists, and other critics on the left and right.
However, don’t tell President Obama that I unflinchingly and unabashedly support him. Because then you’d have to ask where I get my information from. I get my information from channelled messages emanating from spirit and galactic beings. Nothing that Bill Nye, the Science Guy and Larry King Live would validate. President Obama might be embarrassed by my support.
No matter. If I listened to embodied terrestrials, like Alex Jones, Chris Story, Sorcha Faal, and others who claim to represent truth and goodness, I’d be in far worse shape. I’d be repeating what I think are baseless stories, following what Alfred Webre calls a “meme.”
The dictionary defines a “meme” as “a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person, much like an esoteric inside joke.” Martin Heidegger would have called it an “always-already listening.” Werner Erhard would say it resides in the “background of obviousness.”
In past years we would have called it a “party line” or “the buzz.”
The buzz on Obama is that he is incompetent, gutless, in bed with the New World Order.
I don’t believe that for a moment.
Everything I’ve heard from President Obama has been exemplary, courageous, far-sighted. He has taken on the work of turning America around, freeing it from the clutches of the secret government, the military-industrial complex, a task that got John F. Kennedy killed – by that same military-industrial complex, not by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Keep in mind that Dr. Steven Greer asked Bill Clinton to disclose the presence of UFOs and Clinton replied, through an intermediary, (paraphrase) “Do you want me to end up like John Kennedy?” Barack Obama risks ending up like John Kennedy every day.
When President Obama revealed himself as no friend of predatory capitalism or the military-industrial complex, the cabal turned on him and used its control of the mainstream media to spread stories about him that started the current “meme.”
The New World Order controls the mainstream media at the present time. Admittedly there are some voices of sanity among them, like Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Anderson Cooper. But I think we’ll find one day that the NWO owners of the press have mandated an anti-Obama meme, which critics on the right and left have taken up.
My life is a creation. I get to create what I want. And one of the things I’m creating is support for President Obama. I see him as the political leader who will lead us into the New Age fast approaching. I see him as a world leader, and not just America’s President.
I don’t hold him responsible for all the New World Order has done to date. He has not inherited President Bush’s mess. He is attempting to clean it up. He has not inherited President Bush’s war. He is attempting to end it. Both of these tasks have to handled carefully because, believe it or not, there are a lot of corrupted, bad people out there who mean to see that these situations continue.
President Obama has few allies right now, not as many as he had before the meme got started, and danger lurks for him and for people who work with him. So he cannot be expected to turn the situation around in a short space of time and he may meet reverses, all of which will be blamed on him.
But I intend to be loyal to him, not because it is written on the wall by the Moving Hand, but because I choose to. My life is my creation and I choose to give my support to Barack Obama.
Send me numerous anti-Obama comments and you’ll end up in my spam filter. This is not the site for an anti-Obama meme.
I intend to create a counter-meme. The buzz I intend to create is that President Obama is a good man, the right man for the job, the right man at the right time in the right place.
I intend to create a context that encourages the essential goodness I see in Barack Obama. Rather than sapping his energy, I intend to give him some.