I’ve just read a very long channeled reading from a lightworker whom I’ve long respected, though I haven’t drawn on that person’s messages very often. That person has said that the Galactic Federation will be taking us off-planet in response to the dangers presented by the oil spill (no, it isn’t the person you may automatically think of when you hear that prediction). I’m not naming names to avoid a channel war.
However, I feel quite confident in saying that there will be no evacuation off-planet. Saying that implies that there will be no need for an evacuation off-planet either.
In other words, I firmly believe that the cabal operates within constrained limits. They can go so far in what they do and no further.
I can’t state all my reasons for saying that. I’ve had conversations that sources have asked to remain confidential (my Gawd, now I’m saying it).
But I can cite existing, public sources for that conclusion. The first is Matthew Ward:
“Some messages claim that spacecraft will evacuate Earth’s residents before the cleansing destroys much of the planet, and when the people are returned, they will have to live underground because the surface will be uninhabitable for many years. Evacuation will not be necessary for any reason, and far from Earth’s surface becoming uninhabitable, it will be restored to its original paradise with amazing speed.” (1)
“With absolute certainty we say that reports about spacecraft carrying out mass evacuation of the peoples are false—it will not be necessary! Another example of false information is that survivors of massive planetary destruction will have to live underground because the surface will be uninhabitable for a very long time. How totally contrary to the reality: Earth’s health is being restored and her once pristine beauty will be as well, and far more rapidly than you can imagine!” (2)
“I shall add that as long as any dark tentacles are lashing out, dire-sounding pronouncements, predictions, speculations and warnings will continue to swirl, and judging from emails my mother is receiving, these cause concern even to lightworkers.
“To ease minds about several issues that keep popping up in Internet articles or channeled messages: There will be no war with Iran; concentration-type camps will not be filled with the millions who oppose government policies; no ‘Planet X’ or any large celestial body is on a collision course with Earth; there will be no need for your space family to evacuate all peoples before planetary cleansing makes Earth uninhabitable.
The second is SaLuSa:
Moreover, we are safe from all weapons of mass destruction. SaLuSa tells us:
And Atmos also informs us:
As Ker-On reminds us, the cabal can only operate within limits:
SaLuSa explains that the galactics lend power to their Earth allies to ensure the ultimate outcome:
So these are some of the boundaries within which the final chapter will be played out. And these are our grounds for confidence and ease of mind. If there is a particle in you that considers these to be fantasy messages or unreliable sources, I invite you to take a stand on it. I personally regard these messages as 100% reliable.
(1) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(2) Matthew’s Message, July 18, 2009, ibid.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 24, 2008, ibid.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.