Written by Wes Annac, July 6, 2014 – https://cultureofawareness.com/2014/07/06/who-is-ra-part-3-dimensional-cycles-and-the-pyramids-22/ Concluded from Part 1 Once we’re able to communicate with the consciousness of the stones, we can work with them to construct things like pyramids. Ra continues, outlining the process of connecting with the deeper, infinite consciousness of each individual stone and using that connection to […]
Who is Ra? – Part 3: Dimensional Cycles and the Pyramids – 1/2
Written by Wes Annac, July 5, 2014 – https://cultureofawareness.com/2014/07/05/who-is-ra-part-3-dimensional-cycles-and-the-pyramids-12/ So far, we’ve learned a little bit about Ra and why they chose to speak to humanity through Carla Rueckert. We’ve learned that their originally pure teachings live on in the form of distorted ‘elite’ doctrines, and we’ve learned that they’re staying very close to this […]
The Anglo-Saxon Mission – Part 1
When the “Anglo-Saxon Mission” first came out in March 2010, I decided not to publish it because many assertions made in the letter appear to be inaccurate. For instance, according to the sources I hold to (see the discussion of these points in First Contact), there will be no war with Russia, China, or Iran, […]