I’ve been asked to post Archangel Michael’s remarks made when I asked him about Matthew Ward’s comment on the prosperity packages. The prosperity packages is a program that St. Germaine has claimed an influential role in. (1) Various lightworkers were contacted some years ago and asked to submit the names of people who should be […]
Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, April 23, 2015
With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Happenings during the past months have prompted numerous lightworkers to ask and many others to ponder: Why is the free will of people who do terrible things given priority over the free will of people who don’t want to be terrorized or killed? […]
The Office of Poofness: September 25, 2014
Stephen: Let’s all trust that ZAP’s latest sources and information are correct. ZAP Says: Hi all, As of today, all global funds have been released for various payments of bonds, currencies, and trades. The F&P (Stephen: fines and penalties) and PP (Stephen: prosperity packages) are now getting to the point of reality and are also […]
St. Germaine on the New Economic and Political Structures
I didn’t think of asking St. Germaine about the impact of the mass meditation but I’ll be speaking to Archangel Michael tomorrow and will ask him. I did ask St. Germaine about the charges against Pope Francis and will post that part of the interview shortly. This week on An Hour with an Angel, we’ll […]