It is with vibrations of magic, the nature world, and the expansion of the universe of the Creator that I come forth to greet you today. I am Lord Merlin. It is an honour to be in your presence and to support your journey of evolution, discovery, and remembrance upon the Earth. It is in […]
Natalie Glasson: Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin – Balance as a Tool of Ascension
Natalie Glasson: Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin – Balance as a Tool of Ascension Channelled through Natalie Glasson – November 18, 2012 It is a great blessing to be able to share our love, knowledge and aspects of enlightenment with your energy at this most sacred time on the Earth. A time of […]
Lord Merlin: Supporting Nature’s Ascension
Lord Merlin: Supporting Nature’s Ascension Channelled through Natalie Glasson March 25, 2012 Light vibrations upon the Earth I acknowledge and love you with all of my soul and all that I am, I am Lord Merlin. I delight in the active colourful vibrations of love that you exist as; you are beauty in all […]