We need your help to keep Openhearted Rebellion going another month. With a donation or monthly subscription, you can help us keep the lights on and ensure I can continue to put out content. You’ll find more info and subscription options at the end of this article. We’ve all thought about what happens after death. […]
Emptiness and Self-Awareness
I wrote the following for the 317th issue of the Weekly Awareness Guide, a written document distributed weekly via email that I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the guide helps me get by and ensures I can continue to offer free content, and every subscription is appreciated. You can find the option to […]
The Answer for Me is Love
This is such a rugged time for me. Everything incomplete is coming up. And some of you tell me it’s the same for you. Whether it’s a trough in the waves of love or an intensified energy that draws all incompletions out of me, it’s painful, deep, unbearable. I’m going through existential loneliness and I […]