I’ve had a liberating realization and I hardly know how to talk about it. No, I would not call this enlightenment. I would call it emergence. I’ve released a core issue, and not just any core issue, but a key log in the logjam of my personality. I had a hypnotherapy session with Nora Yolles-Young […]
Is Ascension Beginning? – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1.) In a private reading I had with him recently, Archangel Michael said that the changes that have been happening have been primarily internal rather than external. “The question or the issue that we would address is this entire issue of change. You call it emergence, Ascension. What we are also saying, […]
Is Ascension Beginning? – Part 1
On An Hour with an Angel on May 15, 2014, Archangel Michael said: Archangel Michael: The Ascension process … has already begun. You are already experiencing it. But when you reach there ― as you are about to, by the way; that is as close as I can come without breaking my promise with the […]
Emergence and the Reality Draw
I keep mulling over something someone said a long time ago. I’m changing his way of wording it because I don’t like his choice of terms. He said that life is a process of reality suction. Everyone is trying to suck us into their reality and we’re trying to suck them into ours. Not a […]
Reprinted from March 1, 2009 We on the Internet share in common reading and writing and most spiritual teachers would frown on anyone thinking they can get enlightened this way. So why even discuss it? We’ll tire ourselves out. That’s why I recommend the notion of “emergence.” We can emerge, stand forth, stand in our […]
Julie: I AM Dancing With You NOW!
Many of you are reporting breathroughs and break-opens on 10-10-10. On behalf of all of you, I post Julie’s share on Share11. Yes, enthusiasm, yes, emergence, yes, unfoldment! Hey everybody … happy 10-10-10. In ‘light’ of this most auspicious day, I am sharing something that came to me from the ‘extended family’ the other morning. […]
Lauren Gorgo: Doorway to the Other Side
And along comes Lauren to give a good definition of emergence: “full presence in love.” Absolutely. This passage also gives a good definition and suggests what desirable things can come from emerging. “To test our skills in holding our center despite … deep emotional triggers that will come up for us to deal with (if […]
Arcturians: Love Your Country and Its Constitution But Love It Wisely
Thanks to Patte and Dirck. From the Arcturians through Marilyn Raffaele July 6th, 2010 https://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html# Greetings to all. We come today to tell you of much that is about to occur. We are seeing many of you very confused by happenings on earth at this time. What is happening is that you are evolving; seeing […]
Reposted from March 1, 2009 This note was written while I was co-owner of Galactic Roundtable, later Share 11, discussion group and it was written to members of the group. It was written to provide a process of growth and development for the group that was consistent with our common activity of writing. We on […]