Dear Ones, The Earth is an abundant and beautiful place for you to live. It is only on this planet that the ascension process is possible. It is only here and now in this accelerated time on this amazing planet that you have an opportunity to empower the Light of Divinity to work in your human […]
Vern Barnet: Prayer for Mother Earth
Today is Earth Day. I found Vern Barnet’s prayer for Mother Earth, located to Facebook, very moving. It summarizes the direction we must head in if we want to be Mother Earth’s stewards and remain with her as she ascends to Fifth Dimension. CALLING TO THE FOUR DIRECTIONS. CALLING ALL PEOPLES OF EARTH. CALLING ALL GROUPS. […]
Drunvalo Melchizedek: Live Broadcast on Earth Day
Everyone has their own favorite wayshower among the many who are springing up at this time. Some like David Wilcock best; others Sheldan Nidle. For me, it’s Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo mentions in this Youtube video that he will be giving a ,live broadcast on Earth Day, April 22, 2010 that details the history of the […]