I ever-so much appreciate Matthew Ward’s perspective and his dear mum, Suzanne. They make a conscientious effort to address readers’ concerns and answer their questions. Further, their topics I find very interesting and noteworthy. So from that vantage point, again I am grateful to them. Their latest report last week really hit the nail on the head […]
Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, March 25, 2015
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evidence of the ever-growing light can become obscured by what may seem endless turmoil, and we know that in those moments it is difficult to keep foremost in your thoughts: the light is victorious. In the months ahead, you shall see this more […]
Not a Sheep Any More
There’s been a shooting in Canada’s Parliament buildings in Ottawa. And I find that I haven’t the heart to post on it. Well, except this post. More can be found at https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa-shooting-how-events-unfolded-1.2809260. One person died. I’ve read the reports and am still not clear on who shot the attacker. It sounds like the Sergeant-at-Arms of […]
The Reinvention of the Law – Part 4
I’d like to look here at how the cabal will be dealt with legally. And then in a future post, I’d like to look at other, non-legal and non-penal actions that will be taken to right the situation we’re in as a result of the dark ones’ actions. Reaping What is Sown SaLuSa tells us […]
9/11 Predicted in 1996?
Why not? It was a manufactured event anyways. How many times have the cabal hinted at what they were up to in movies ahead of an event? Many, as far as I can recall. Thanks to Raj.
Into the Reval Labyrinth
I’d like to illustrate how labyrinthine matters have been around the Reval by posting excerpts from the following article. The article also illustrates how the Reval is being used to clean the financial world of corrupt individuals. The full article can be read at Dinar Recaps, at the URL below. Again it isn’t our desire […]
Laying New Track
A Train Headed for Disaster One of my favorite stories from Werner Erhard is about a train headed for disaster. As he tells it, a passenger on a train looked out the window and saw that the train was headed for disaster. He told the other passengers and together they went to the right side […]
Benjamin Fulford: Lots of Chatter About Arrests, Take-Down of Cabal
Stephen: We haven’t run Benjamin Fulford’s intel posts for a while here, mostly because the Japan-based former Forbes Magazine journalist can say some very outlandish and inflammatory things when he’s on a roll, and also because his is a paid subscription newsletter. But his latest reports have been rather more moderate in tone, and this […]
Can the Cabal be Forgiven? – Part 2/2
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm Concluded from Part 1 According to the Great Divine Director, awareness of our interconnected nature will drive us to diminish judgment and condemnation. “Soon, you will no longer have a need to see enemies all around you or danger in the air. You are returning to the awareness […]
Can the Cabal be Forgiven? – Part 1/2
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness The planetary elite have been on their last legs for some time now, and when they’re exposed and brought to divine justice, humanity will be tasked with forgiving the very people who’ve oppressed us for centuries. I believe in justice, because I recognize that it’s an essential catalyst to […]
Are We There Yet?
I wanted to draw attention to something SaLuSa said yesterday: “Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed upon you by the Cabal.” (1) We’ve discussed numerous times in the past that the galactics and all the the “guys [and gals] in the rafters,” […]
Al Hodges Claims Victory in CMKX Suit, Reveals Sting Operation Against the Cabal
Pasadena attorney Al Hodges was hired by shareholders of CMKX Diamonds to represent them in what has been said to be “the largest fraud case in world history.” (1) Known as the Bivens class action suit, Hodge claims that in 2004-5 legitimate shareholders saw their stock watered down by the sale of 2.25 trillion “phantom” […]
Who is Our Universal Family? – Part 3
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Continued from Part 2 Note: My intention is to state what’s believed about the subjects discussed here and encourage you to take what resonates with you. Some of what’s discussed could seem far-fetched or hard to believe, but such is the nature of the things one can discover […]
The Party Line on Current Issues
Jack has sent along a letter from his Congressional Representative. I don’t want to humiliate the Representative so I won’t name him, but I think it’s useful to see the “party line” on the issues. Whether the Congressman is actually a cabalist or just asleep or ignorant, whether he is sending out misinformation or disinformation, […]
Ben Fulford: "Old Men" of Cabal Lashing Out
Ben Fulford’s column this week is a bit of a dampener on exuberant energies. It’s exclusively concerned with assassinations. That reflects the fact that Ben was faced with yet another assassination team stalking him near his Tokyo home. They withdrew after Ben informed their boss that he would be held personally responsible if anything happened […]