I’d like to illustrate how labyrinthine matters have been around the Reval by posting excerpts from the following article. The article also illustrates how the Reval is being used to clean the financial world of corrupt individuals.
The full article can be read at Dinar Recaps, at the URL below. Again it isn’t our desire to follow events, but once in a while an analysis comes along that is genuinely significant and cogent. And the Reval is a historical event as well as being an opportunity.
This analysis illustrates how many of the stops and starts in the Reval program have been designed to entrap the cabal. It answers the question: will the cabal benefit from the Reval? And it explains why so many gurus have allowed themselves to be used to make false predictions. Thanks to Diane.
An Anonymous “We Are 99.85% There”
By Anonymous 7/13/14 – Emailed To Dinar Recaps
It has been months since I last posted. So long in fact that you may not recall my last comments sent directly to Dinar Recaps. But that is OK – for I have never sought ‘guru’ status.
I am not friends with, nor do I collude with, anyone you know on the boards – NOT the [Mountain] goat, Okie, MarkZ, Jester, TNT Tony, wife in the know, General64, Zap, JonnyWg, BellaGrits, Atty Hodges, JC Collins, TerryK, WHA [White Hats Anonymous], etc. etc. etc., nor any of the Dinar traders.
I am asking Recaps to post this because I believe it is the most widely read Dinar board. I suspect this info will then be copied over to other Dinar chat rooms as well, but I’m sure with these last two sentences will be omitted.
Earlier today when I saw Zuvrick RM’s comments in Exogen/Stage3Alpha thread on Recaps, I decided to not wait any longer to share more information with my fellow Dinar holders. Zuvrick Rm’s comments are very close to the truth regarding the Cabal & how their days of control are ending.
We are 99.85% there. (1) (Yes, there is only one very minor financial control that must be put into place for these cabal members & yes, they are fighting it for all they are worth. But then I would too, for it is scarily similar to the ‘mark of the beast’ if you have read your Bible.)
Since we are this close, I believe it is now safe to share this info with you. I want to show you how some of the pieces of this massive puzzle have fit together over the months and years, to allow the Good Guys to make the necessary arrests AFTER the WGS [World Global Settlement Funds]/GCR [Global Currency Reset].
Also I think you need to know that all of us, as legit Dinar holders, have played at least a small part in a huge sting operation by the Good Guys/White Hats. (‘Good guys’ are not just men and they are located world-wide. White Hats are located in the USA.)
The WhHats had to gather enough evidence to put the US cabal away or at least permanently bar them from future financial transactions (the reason why international transactions are now being tracked and centrally reported by all international banks – in the USA, we saw this implement on 7-1-14 as FATCA).
While we would have liked for all the cabal to be prosecuted by the International Court in Hague on moral issues alone, the WhHats needed the solid proof of – clearly illegal – numerous – monetary transactions. (2)
It has been very heartbreaking for all of us, because these info ‘false flags’ mentioned in points 1 & 2 below, have made it an emotional roller coaster ride for us over the past 3 years (it was July 2011 when the intensity of the sting operation took hold).
This evidence-gathering process extended the WGS waiting period for us to the point of making it almost unbearable, but I think it has all been necessary. I’m sharing this now because I too honestly believe everything is done for the WGS and those funds are now truly safe, in very secure places.
And as I said before, the cabal are nearly neutered and spayed as well! (Yes, I used animal terms on purpose – LOL!)
1) The many times Okie told us the RV was happening (IE. the plane was cleared for landing, it was a 737 ($7.37 rate), runway lights were visible, etc.), the cabal was receiving this same “it is happening now – any minute now” info from their inside sources, in order to set them up for attempted insider trading on the FX [Foreign Exchange].
The purpose of the postings on the Dinar boards was to give validity to the sting that was underway. We most certainly should not blame Okie at all for any “misinformation’, for he was asked to help the WhHats and being a strongly patriotic and religious man, he did his job well.
In future years, as we reflect back on these times, we need to thank Okie for what he was willing to do for us and his country, regardless of the price he personally paid via his slandered reputation at times among Dinarians.
Because I do not know Okie personally, I don’t know ALL the details regarding the loss of his son and more recently the accident that nearly took his daughter-in-law’s life. But I do pray that his family has not been targeted by the evil cabal in ways only they seem to be able to orchestrate, in order to make Okie pay for his (perhaps even sometimes unknowingly) aide to the WhHats.
2) The reports month ago of DC elites cashing out early at very high rates – was another sting operation.
‘Have you wondered why TNT Tony and DC are JUST RECENTLY saying these “characters” did not deplete the contract funds? Well … here is the rest of the story about that one too.’
Little hints were given to these DC folks at time of exchange into partial SKRs [Safe Keeping Receipt]/partial cash that they were truly favored since they were given first chance to redeem Dinars before everyone else, and that there were ways “wink, wink” to make even more money on this.
These hints prompted the elites to give their ‘exchange cash’ to their friends, family, office staff to buy more Dinars – allowing double-dipping to be done – but in reality it was more “gotcha” insider trading evidence being added to the legal case against these DC elite.
So as all of us were stressing that the DC folks were stealing all the Chinese funds available for Dinar purchases at the contract rates, in reality – just the opposite was happening. The WhHats were simply ensuring that none of the elites’ Dinars would be paid at the higher contract rate and due to their egos and greed – the elites won’t even get the street rate – for their Dinars are looked up as evidence! (Are you smiling yet?)
During these early DC elite exchanges, hints were also given to them that a certain Dinar dealer(s) would handle their new ‘double dipping’ Dinar purchases on the “hush, hush”.
While I believe there was more than one Dinar dealer involved in this sting, but I cannot find concrete evidence to support my suspicion of the 2nd dealer. The US dollars given to these DC folks for their early exchange of Dinars were actually marked bills and they were then given in exchange marked/traceable Dinar currency – which will never be redeemed!! (This is where you should really be smiling!)
So as you can now see, the cash these elites were given was taken in off the street in this sting operation as the elites used those US dollars to buy more Dinar. So their original Dinars are locked up and the ‘double dip’ purchased Dinars are marked bills that will not be exchanged – means the elites aren’t receiving any money at all because those SKR receipts are just worthless paper!
But at the same time the WhHats and Good Guys (elites’ attempted international transfers) were busy gathering lots more fraud/illegal activity evidence against the elites.
The “errand boys” used by the elites for ‘double dipping’ will face some repercussions, but the real purpose was to seal the fate of these DC elitists. It is refreshing to know that some of the exchange funds, although a relatively small amount of cash, was given to help those in need.
3) I know this is going to sound like a schoolmarm or a preacher, but I mean well when I tell you that in the future you truly need to be looking as much at what isn’t being said directly, as what is being laid out in clear black & white before your noses. Don’t live life paranoid, but please, please learn to read between the lines! Three examples follow:
a) What did I not say in #2 above?
As you began to read, didn’t you wonder how “they” knew which DC elites owned Dinar in order to know who to target in this sting? If “they” know who the elite Dinar holders are, don’t “they” know who all Dinar purchasers are?
Yes, “they” do, but “they” do not know who we may have gifted Dinars to or if we have sold some Dinar for cash or checks (unless Dinar was noted on the check’s memo line), but “they” sure know about any Dinars we have purchased – whether from a Dealer, Craig’s list or Ebay.
Will “they” make us account for any Dinar that we don’t exchange during our initial bank visit?
Not likely. Why not? Well – remember that we’ve been hearing for months now that Iraq will issue new currency. If we don’t exchange within a certain timeframe (it truly is long enough – so don’t stress about this), the current IQDs will become worthless, just like the Saddam era – pre-2003 IQDs are now worthless.
Also “they” believe most of us will not gift to individual family members/friends/charities more than what we believed could be exchanged into $1 million USDs. “They” have known what the Chinese contract rate is for many, many months now. But we haven’t.
So think about ‘when and why’ the idea was introduced to Dinarians to use a dated, notarized gift letter. The ‘when’ will give you a good idea regarding the date the Chinese finalized the contract rate with the US Treasury.
The ‘why’ for the dated, notarized gift letters is so that at the time of exchange, those who received gifted Dinar may not have to obtain a copy of the giver’s original Dinar purchase receipt.
That is — if at the time the gift letter was drafted, the rumored exchange rate times the amount IQD gifted did not equate to more than an anticipated $1 million USDs – then no copy of the giver’s purchase receipt will be needed.
b) Treat MSM [Mainstream Media] news the same way –
look for details that were not mentioned, before you take any info at full face value – question not only is it accurate, but also is the complete full story being told?
As an example that Dinarians can relate to: ISIS terrorists. Many “gurus” have told us they believe this was a ploy by Maliki to stay in power as Iraq’s PM. Chuck Hagel adds to the smoke & mirrors just this past week by saying ISIS is a significant terrorist threat to the USA. (3)
But what does O[bama] do? He goes golfing, flies out to a bar in CO to drink a beer and shoot pool, and goes off to Texas to be close enough to the Mexican border to fake interest in solving the US’ illegal immigration problem. But what has O not done?
Since ISIS surfaced in June, O has NOT used his phone and mighty pen to ink another of his infamous EOs [Executive Order] to designate ISIS as a valid terrorist group that must be controlled via US financial sanctions (also known as an OFAC order).
Sadly, all those “gurus” or (“guru wannabe’s) who kept a close eye on the DFI [Development Fund of Iraq] EO status, never thought to look for an EO that should have been signed and wasn’t. Please learn to look for the logical missing pieces!
c) Research and Filter very thoroughly, sometimes many times over — any posts, ads, news, etc. now or in the future regarding possible investments or worthy charities – especially for what is not being mentioned but is a very relevant piece of information.
Also learn to completely, totally wipe from your mind those seeded ideas that have been proven false. If you need to – keep a list of what you have researched and determined to be bogus schemes and false claims.
Investments — Ask yourself if the 17% annuity return rate that is being advertised on some Dinar boards really seems legit. Get the details as to whether this is an annualized return or the 17% is really the difference between the annuity purchase price and amount you would receive at maturity – perhaps as long as 15 years later.
The scenario that 17% is the lifetime yield is much closer to the level of return for today’s low rates on bank CDs. Because we have believed in Dinars, the once-in-a-lifetime windfall, many think we are easy targets for believing their hype as well. Be careful with your money. Invest – but invest wisely.
Charities – A valid, but very sad, example of charity fraud is the Relief Funds for Haiti following the January 12, 2010 earthquake. As American’s we phoned in millions and millions to help the Haitians. (4)
The money was taken from our bank accounts at time of our calls, mailed checks, etc. But then two years later we were told that the funds still had not been released to help the people of Haiti due to US gov’t concerns about Haiti’s political corruption. Really?
To support this explanation, we were even told about Haiti’s former leader coming back from his fancy home in Paris to try to get his grimy hands on some of the aid funds. But we never heard if he got any money nor even when he returned to Paris. MSM slip?
No – we must learn to keep up with their lies in order to be able to prove what stories are in fact lies.
MSM and our gov’t are counting on you not being interested enough to watch/read the news or if you do, that you won’t try to remember or take the time to think through and follow up on how the pieces of info given to you just don’t fit together.
If you will think back to what was going on in the USA in 2010-2012 (high unemployment claims, swelling lists of welfare/food stamp/public housing recipients, etc.) – you can figure out why our money was never sent to Haiti and which gov’t was really corrupt toward their people.
Goggle and read Oxfam’s report issued Jan. 2014 — 4 years after the Haiti earthquake, to better understand how much more relief aid is still needed by these destitute people.
Bogus Schemes (my nice name for pure BS!) and Bogus Terms – Please, please delete from your memory the bogus terms introduced by some “guru” months ago or those once true facts that are no longer valid. Examples:
i) Clean & Clear Certificate (5) – has NOTHING to do with banking, stock certificates, investments or currency exchanges! Google it.
However, since it has been so overused in Dinar chat, you must now go to the 2nd & 3rd search result pages in Google to find the real deal – I kid you not! It is a document related to mining!
And even more funny is that it is limited to mining operations in the Asian Pacific! Sadly, sometimes we really do earn the name of “sheeple”.
We must learn to check out the facts – regardless of who is delivering the BS pile to us, for even the most trusted ones sometimes fail to do their homework and end up with BS on their face as well! (If you google this, you will see which sincerely beloved and trusted guru I am referring to.)
[Deleted as not relevant.]
4) While I still have lots more to share, this message is much longer than I intended. So I’m limiting it to just one more thought – but one which I hope will prompt you into many thoughts of your own.
I have to admit that when I first began to read about the St. Germain trust, the WGS – countries forgiving other countries’ war debts dating all the back to when records were first maintained, the Leo Wanta funds, V.K. Durham’s story, prosperity programs, CMKX [CMKX Diamonds Inc.] mega-sized lawsuit against the SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] , etc. I was more than a bit skeptical!
But I made the decision to read at least three articles before making a final call to dismiss a particular theory or not. Surprising to me, the more I read, the more the pieces seemed to fit together!
I suggest that you check out NESARA if you are not already familiar with John MacHaffie’s site. (6) While I still cannot bring myself to read the galactic/ET-space aliens articles, I do read the rest.
What has most recently “jelled” for me are the connections between the historical war bonds/WGS funds, Neil Keenan being in the Philippines and Pope Francis’ changes at the Vatican.
I can just hear you say, “Really?” The historic war bonds were rumored to have been stored in the Philippines – why? Because it was the closest dominant Catholic country to China and Japan – holders of the war bonds issued by the USA for WWI, WWII, Korean, and Vietnamese wars.
Test me – google the primary religions of SE Asia countries of Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Mynamar. You will discover the only country where Christianity is the dominant faith is the Philippines and it is Catholic. So why is the Vatican really involved?
They hold assets from European countries that were garnered during other wars (the “spoils of war” some may call it) as well as while European countries owned/controlled other nations — India, South Africa, Central & South America, etc.
These Vatican held funds are the collateral backing for various European nations’ war bonds. Except for those foolish countries who gave gold to the USA for safekeeping!
The world had to wait for the historic bond funds to be released until a Pope was appointed who has a heart for all of God’s people – a genuine desire to help all people throughout the entire world.
A pope who does not seek to control the European countries by holding their riches hostage in the Vatican vault nor threaten to use the money to enrich the coffers of the Catholic Church.
Now if Pope Francis can get the rest of the world to follow the “I” principles.
Iceland for how to stay wise and healthy, so that you can keep hold of your blessing and enjoy it for a long, long time to come!
They eliminated debts but at the same time restored their county’s economy. Ireland for how they settled their religious differences and restored peace in their country.
(1) I’m not sure if the writer understands the true nature of ISIS or the threat it poses. But even that will only go on for a limited amount of time.
(2) And the Company of Heaven insisted on proceeding by impeccably legal means.
(3) Archangel Michael has a different view of ISIS and its impact on the Reval:
Steve Beckow: What is holding up the Reval now?
Archangel Michael: ISIS.
S: ISIS! Are they real?
AAM: Yes, they are real.
S: Is it not a CIA creation?
AAM: No. It is a grassroots organization. It is disgruntled ex-military.
S: Oh. Will they be able to hold it up for a long time?
AAM: No. Their goal is to create stability but it is stability at the price of great pain.
S: Yes, indeed.
AAM: There is no conscience. They believe that they act for Allah to establish a Muslim state. But they are doing so through great violence.
Now this is part of what the Mother referred to as great chaos coming to the forefront. Will they be able to hold it up indefinitely? No. But the difficulty is that, with this Revaluation, if they were given even more money, that they would use it to buy very dangerous weapons. (Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow, July 11, 2014.)
And what does the Dragon Family or Chinese Elders think of ISIS?
AAM: They are primed and ready to go but they are also not willing to allow a terrorist organization, regardless of their mission and purpose, as human as that is, to take that money and harm human beings. (Loc. cit.)
(4) Presidents Bush and Clinton had no intention of allowing the funds collected in their name to be used to help Haitians:
“Somewhere along the way will emerge the Bush and Clinton families’ involvement with the Rockefeller Illuminati faction that helped to mortally bleed the coffers of the United States. Did you think it rather ironic that both of those former US presidents rushed to show their keen interest in what was going on in Haiti?” (Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
“Because those funds were stolen by the Illuminati after their technology caused the quake – that stealth is why former US presidents Clinton and Bush rushed to Haiti so quickly after the quake.” (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 15, 2011.)
(5) Everyone was encouraged to get Clean and Clear Certificates from their banks, but no bank knew what a CCC was.
(6) On NESARA, see “NESARA or the Abundance Program” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/ and NESARA at https://goldengaiadb.com/NESARA. I personally consider credible channeled information more reliable than “insider” information. But everyone needs to go on their own sense of discernment.