Welcome back from the weekend …hoping yours was grand. Thank you Alex and Lindsey for your wonderful contributions over the past few days –most obliged. Keep it up Big Pharma …conducting business like this means that it won’t be long until you’re closed down for good. And the world will be a much better place, […]
Britain Bans Doctor Who Linked Autism to Vaccine
Britain has rescinded the license of the doctor who first made the connection between autism and vaccines. Before we look at the article, let’s listen to Matthew on the subject of that connection: “Let me return for a moment to mainstream media. Although largely because a plethora of material is readily available on the Internet, […]
Eugene Mullins and Murder by Injection
In his May 3, 2010 message, SaLuSa observes that: “You cannot fail to have noticed that of late, the pressure on the authorities to bring out the truth has intensified. As more of you are making your own enquiries so the questions become more frequent, and they cannot be ignored. Brave individuals now stand up […]
Lead Researcher Denying Autism Link to Vaccines Absconds with Funds and Disappears
Health Freedom Alliance March 22, 2010 https://healthfreedoms.org/2010/03/22/scientist-who-claimed-no-link-bewteen-autism-and-vaccines-disappears-with-government-money/ The lead author of a key study used by EU and USA health bodies as evidence mercury in vaccines does not cause autism has vanished after it emerged that he fraudulently claimed 10 million crowns in funds from his university in Denmark. According to a statement by the […]
Big Pharma Researcher Admits Faking Research
by Mike Adams Natural News Feb. 18, 2010 It’s being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer’s speakers’ bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals. Now being reported across the mainstream media is the fact […]