In his May 3, 2010 message, SaLuSa observes that:
“You cannot fail to have noticed that of late, the pressure on the authorities to bring out the truth has intensified. As more of you are making your own enquiries so the questions become more frequent, and they cannot be ignored. Brave individuals now stand up and talk [about] their findings, and it adds to the knowledge that already exists. …
“It is in fact too late for the last cabal to stop the incoming tide that will sweep away the dross and lies, that have brought about your problems. … Fortunately, you have since seen through their plan to enslave you, and bring it about by creating chaos and taking away your sovereign rights.” (At
While the original Eustace Mullins video is from an earlier period, the existence of Youtube and the video’s appearance on it epitomize the pressure that is currently being brought to bear to expose the truth.
Eustace Mullins investigated all aspects of the “monopoly” that controlled American society and discovered an interesting pattern. The same executives from banks, the oil industry, and other leading institutions sat on the governing bodies of all industries – including pharmaceutical companies. In the days in which he studied them, terms like the Illuminati and New World Order were little known.
The scrutiny he gave to the pharmaceutical companies resulted in his writing the book, Murder by Injection.
Here is the first of a three-part series on what he found.
Double-click on the video to go to Youtube and watch the rest.