We will now talk about the initial phases of being on a fifth dimensional reality, ship or planet. A fifth dimensional reality does not need a ‘place’ and you live primarily within your consciousness. A fifth dimensional ship is a Galactic Starship, which can be cloaked to the 3D world, or we can choose to […]
The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: Inter-dimensional Communication
It is the NOW to remember your inter-dimensional communications. You, our grounded representatives to Earth, have waited and tried to remember your inter-dimensional communications, but there was always something in your way. Life after life, the many different bodies of your Multidimensional SELF tried to remember how to communicate with the higher frequencies of reality. […]
The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: Focusing on the Core – The Rebirth of New Earth
Greetings from the Arcturians, as well as your entire Galactic Family, which is much larger than you may imagine. Please realize that every decision that humanity makes within this NOW is having a great impact on the planet. If that decision is based on love and light for Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants, you have […]
Transcript ~ The Arcturians on AHWAA: Mastering What Jesus Knew, December 24, 2015
Mastering What Jesus Knew Hour with an Angel, with the Arcturians, December 21, 2015 Dr. Suzanne Lie Guest Channel Steve Beckow Host, InLight Radio Steve: Linda Dillon is away this month recuperating from shoulder surgery. Ordinarily, we’d have Jesus on before Christmas, but today we have Sue Lie channeling the Arcturians with us again. Sue […]
Transcript ~ The Arcturians on AHWAA: Flashpoint to Lightbody, December 7, 2015
Flashpoint to Lightbody The Arcturians on An Hour with an Angel, December 7, 2015 Dr. Suzanne Lie Guest Channel for the Arcturians Steve Beckow Host, In Light Radio, Steve: We said toward the end of the last program that we wanted to continue the discussion, perhaps getting into this elusive concept of timelines. I don’t […]
Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion. The Arcturians – Birthing New Earth Part 2 & Veil #8, The Illusion of Self.
Birthing New Earth Part 2 Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians Within this NOW, Multidimensional Light is traveling from the fifth dimension seeking to share itself with all life. Hence, every Being – Planetary, Galactic, Universal – and, yes, even human – is consciously or unconsciously experiencing this Light. Before, we only experienced the fragmentations of […]
Transcript: The Arcturians through Sue Lie on the Divine Feminine, Gender Equality and Ascension
Recently Sue Lie offered to allow me to speak to the Arcturians about the divine feminine, gender equality, and Ascension. Once formal work begins on gender equality, Sue has agreed to serve as a resource on how to approach people in other cultures in a caring and successful manner. Thanks to Erika for our transcript. […]
The Arcturians via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Use Your God-given Power of Creation
VIDEO (recommended) BELOVED ONES! We come to lift your spirit, to fill you with joy and the love that pervades the universe. You are to rejoice and hold your heart high to see and feel new beginnings at the horizon of your world arising. We are the bringers of good news and it is up […]
The Arcturians on Unconditional Love and Forgiveness
I once asked the Arcturians, through Suzanne Lie, to explain to me how so many enlightened teachers could misbehave through sex or money and their answer, which went into many more matters than just that, is very informative. Steve Beckow: I wonder why so many teachers have become enlightened, at least to seventh-chakra level, […]
Being a Multidimensional Leader
How many people are training multidimensional leaders? Sue Lie is and she does a wonderful job at it. We don’t often promote other people’s events (too many to do so), but we break from tradition and support Sue in hers in this re-post of the Arcturians’ most recent message and the next article. Arcturian Message […]
Releasing Fear and Control on The Brilliance Within, March 24, 2014
This week on The Brilliance Within, my guest will be psychotherapist, Dr. Suzanne Lie. Many of you know her work as a channel for the Arcturians, but she is also a practicing therapist with thirty years experience. We will talk about releasing fear and control this week. We’ll discuss the root causes of fear, the […]
The Pleiadians and the Arcturians via Wes Annac: Your Evolution is Physical and Spiritual
The Pleiadians and the Arcturians: Your Evolution is Physical and Spiritual, channeled by Wes Annac, September 24, 2013 at https://aquariusparadigm.com With Love and appreciation for the continual efforts of the awakening public in helping your Earth to ascend, I am SanJAsKa speaking for the Pleiadian High Council, the Pleiadian Council of Nine and the Company […]
The Arcturians via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Be Prepared for the Full Blessings
The Arcturians: Be Prepared for the Full Blessings, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, July 7, 2013 at https://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk VIDEO (recommended) WE ARE THE ARCTURIANS! The veil is daily becoming thinner, as the dark elements that have dominated your planet are losing their power. Fountains of light are now entering your atmosphere with a new power that […]
Ute Posegga-Rudel: Message from the Arcturians (23) – The Complexity of Ascension
Ute Posegga-Rudel: Message from the Arcturians (23) – The Complexity of Ascension As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – October 18, 2012 https://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/message-from-arcturians-23-complexity.html Dear Ones! We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships. Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human […]
Ute Posegga-Rudel : Message from the Arcturians [22] – Step Back and Be
Ute Posegga-Rudel : Message from the Arcturians [22] – Step Back and Be As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – September 3, 2012 https://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/message-from-arcturians-21-step-back.html Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians! It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it! There has not […]