I’m tempted to say that more martyrs probably met their end in centuries past creating new paradigms than from any other cause.
But this is a New Age and creating new paradigms, while it may not be a bed of roses, carries less risk.
We may lose some and win some in the beginning, but no one will go to the wall for it.
Archangel Michael said to me in a personal reading on March 21 that it was time to create new forms:
“[Lightworkers are] forming new patterns, new paradigms for yourself and for humanity. There will be some difficulties. But when you see [a difficulty] approach it, not with dismissiveness, but with humor, with sensitivity, with allowance, and, yes, with flexibility.”
Sometimes we’ll have to leave old paradigms behind before we know what the new paradigm is. Cognitive dissonance will build until we feel obliged to leave the old and enter the new and it may only be after entering it that we see where we’ve ended up and what lies ahead.
I’m creating a new paradigm, a new form of relationship called “Relationship Lite.” Domine! Domine! (Puts a book on his head and sprinkles holy water around.) By the power vested in me, I create this new form.
Paradigm created.
It’s for mission-driven people. In my case, the paradigm of relationship that prevails today no longer fits my needs. It’s almost impossible to commit to because I’m already committed to my mission. (And I’m not looking for a relationship so, please, no emails.)
But let me continue. I’m going to give you the job description that came with my soul contract (just kidding of course, because the Company of Heaven would not ask this of us):
Successful applicants must be willing to remain glued to their computer all day. They may not see the light of day for two days in a row.
They can do much on the spur of the moment but very little even two days ahead of time.
When they leave their apartment, they must take their cell phone and remain attuned to it.
They’ll look driven, mad, obsessed – and they will be driven. There’ll be no masking or denying it. They’ll have to take their lumps and grin and bear it.
They’ll be more in touch with their friends in other countries (and galactics) than they will be with their neighbors. They’ll lead a virtual life or one that’s mostly foreign.
And I’m a homebody, not a foreign body! I may sound like a robot on a leash. But I actually like this lifestyle or I wouldn’t be following it.
It’s hugely rewarding and satisfying, perhaps because it allows me to serve the Divine Mother in the best way I know how.
But my lifestyle doesn’t mesh well with the old forms of relationship. And this is where the cognitive dissonance comes in, the circumstance that forces the birth of new paradigms.
Cognitive dissonance, in a commonsense way, means that conflict builds up in our mind over a choice we need to make and we cannot see where the conflict is coming from. For me, for instance, the conflict was: Do I want a relationship or not? And the question framed that way did not permit of an answer. And so I drowned myself in confusion and guilt.
When the dissonance broke was when I asked myself: How much of a relationship do I want? And the answer was, well, less than I used to. Less commitment, less time spent together, fewer movies, etc.
Werner Erhard used to joke that people in relationship think they should be seeing more of each other when perhaps they should be seeing less. In a time of fast-paced shift such as this, it seems almost impossible to me to keep one’s eye on the ball, so to speak, and live with the same demands placed upon us that we used to.
While I can’t exist in relationships as they’re presently constituted, I still want contact with people. I don’t want to live as a hermit and yet I don’t want to be confined within the bounds of traditional forms.
You remember that Archangel Michael predicted that new forms of relationship for mission-driven people would arise. In November of 2013 on An Hour with an Angel, he said:
“[Relationship in the future will be] more mission-driven than simply an ideation of what a partnership or a marriage is about. This notion — and it has been a human notion, and we could spend a great deal of time talking about how the power structures of union and marriage have evolved and shifted — but these unions do not require a set form.
“And that is new. It is original. It is how it is on this side. It is how it was in the very beginning.
“But there is a decision between the two souls on that form, depending on what you are working on, what you are achieving, what you are dreaming, what you are creating, how you are playing.
“And then the form follows the creation and the desire, rather than setting the form and then making everything fit the form. That is how you ended up with institutions that don’t work. So, you aren’t repeating that error. You have grown.
“And the form that these partnerships will take, or can take, by choice, will shift and morph, again depending on what you are dreaming, what you are desiring.” (2)
He also recognized the need for freedom. And the allowance of that freedom had to be more than mere lip service.
“The key to this is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with, the sanctity — yes, the sanctity! — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide.” (3)
The last thing I wanted to say before I put down the holy water is that it seems to me that the practice that may ensure the success of Relationship Lite can be captured in three words: negotiation, negotiation, negotiation. The new form of relationship is going to be a negotiated form. It may even be different in each case.
If a mission-driven person is going to be able to create and sustain successful relationships in the times ahead, it may not be by the traditional model of living together, seeing each other constantly, etc. Rather than beat ourselves up for feeling conflicted about entering into a relationship while on mission, we’ll need to change the form of relationship to cater to the needs of mission-driven individuals.
This is one example of an area in which I think we’ll need to create new paradigms. But I’m willing to bet there’ll be many others. We’ll be breaking open many old belief systems and creating new ones in the weeks and months ahead. Life may not always be a bed of roses for mission-driven lightworkers – or for paradigm makers – but there is excitement in creating the new.
(1) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, March 21, 2014.
(2) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage,” Nov. 7, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/the-role-of-twin-flames/archangel-michael-i-see-you-i-love-you-i-will-engage/. (3) Loc. cit.