You know what I hunger for?
I want to live! I want to create! I want to express myself fully! (1)
There’s something about me that doesn’t hanker for much I see around me. I hunger for the inner life. Like Akhenaten, I worship the Inner Sun. I want to know That!
I want the inner to be made outer. Let what lives inside of me live outside of me!
I want to fly! I want to soar!
No protection. No suppression. No containment.
What was it St. Francis said in Brother Sun, Sister Moon?
“I want to be happy. I want to live like the birds in the sky. I want to experience the freedom and the purity that they experience. The rest is of no use to me. No use, believe me.
“If the purpose of life is this loveless toil we fill our days with, then it’s not for me. There must be something better. There has to be.” (2)
I want life rich in relationship, rich in expression. I want to know other people inside and out. I want all the ups and the downs in life, with nothing censored, nothing artificial, nothing left out.
I want life, rich, red and raw. I want it all, all that the inner life has to offer. Don’t hold anything back from me!
That was the life I knew in the Seventies and I won’t be satisfied with anything less!
I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am. I want to be fully known, fully expressed! That’s what I yearn for! That’s what makes my heart sing!
The rest is of no use to me.
(1) See Brother Sun, Sister Moon at httpss://
(2) Loc. cit.