I mentioned yesterday that I was going to comment more on something Archangel Michael said.
I’ve read and re-read these words of his perhaps a dozen times. They stick in my memory. And I’m starting to see why.
Archangel Michael said:
“The key to [sacred unions] is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with, the sanctity — yes, the sanctity! — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide.” (1)
First he presents us with the image of two sacred partners living in:
“… freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not in lip service, but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with the sanctity — yes, the sanctity! — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions.”
I read him as saying to us grant your sacred partner, or anyone really, complete freedom of choice and respect their choices. (Unless of course you have, say, a business or other contractual relationship.)
Ask yourself: Do I and my sacred partner live that way? Yes? No?
I can’t say I live up to these standards. I’m having trouble even envisioning such a high state.
But it is the new way of life in relationship regardless.
He goes on to tell us what living that way as two sacred partners can result in.
“So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow. It is the infinity. It is the tide.”
What’s he pointing at? Every one of his images – the ebb and flow, the tide, the infinity sign – has something in common. What is it?
What they all have in common is flow. All his image examples are about flow. (2) He’s implanting in our consciousness seed-images, imparting them, preparing us.
I’m willing to bet that these seed-images will germinate, will sprout. By all accounts they’re germinating now.
Welcome to the new paradigm. Welcome to where the world is headed. Flow. For me, this is the new way of life for the New You, as Linda calls it.
What is my takeaway, as GD would say?
Here it is. Sacred partners must give each other the latitude, the freedom to be, the freedom to follow their choices. If they don’t, there’ll be conflict. If they do, there’ll be flow.
The prize for living life this way is flow itself. We hasten our entry into Fifth Dimensionality by living in flow, in any way we can, as far as I can see.
I think that applies to sacred partners, sacred friends, and anyone else in this world.
Isn’t that what the Mother said? Start with sacred self? Extend it to sacred friends, sacred partnerships and out into the world? The recipe for oneness?
Let me change Jesus’s words a bit (I am sure he won’t mind): Flow is the way, the truth, and the life. Flow is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
I want to flow. I want to master it.
Thank you, Archangel Michael. No reply is needed. I got it: Let everyone live in full freedom. Let everyone be free of all unsuitable forms, all constraints, except those we choose. Let the Tsunami of Love flow around me and through me and let these new abilities germinate.
(1) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage,” Nov. 8, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/notes-from-archangel-michaels-discussion-of-sacred-partnership/.
(2) “Infinity” as it’s used here refers to Archangel Michael’s teaching that the love between two people should flow between them like an infinity sign.