July 11, 2022, via email We are here. We respect this time you give to anchor our message. As a multidimensional being, you have striven to accomplish much and touch the lives of many. Your focus and dedication to your journey here on planet earth to awaken and serve is to be acknowledged. There are […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Learned Behavior
We are here inviting you to review how you interact with others. The relationships that you have with one another are a magnificent way to recognize and integrate all aspects of yourself. You see it is in the interfacing, the interacting, that each human is given the opportunity to be fully present or to be […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ DNA Codes Being Activated
May 19, 2022, via email We are here. We would like to speak to you of awakening. Humans are multidimensionals who are coded to many realities. Let us begin with some concepts. Imagine that each being, each human has “codes” in their DNA that are dormant, not activated. Consider a baby who is born with […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ A Game of Conscious Evolution
April 15, 2022, via email We have shared with you that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity, that all eyes are focused on your planet. Humanity on your planet has the grand opportunity to awaken from the illusion. Many realities and dimensions are watching. because what happens here will affect the whole; will affect […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Time is Fluid
March 17, 2022, via email We are here to share expressions and beliefs about time. Time in your earthly hologame is a sacred belief. It is firmly anchored in your matrix and in all the programs that operate your mental activities. Most humans have some form of this rigid belief about time. Spacious time lives […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ You as “One Cell”
February 14, 2022, via email We are here, and we invite you to become aware of the many other realities that you participate in. We continue to invite you to become aware of your multidimensional beingness. Realize the importance to expand your awareness of reality. This is a subtle expansion, you and others actually do […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Your Personal Matrix
January 19, 2022, via email We are here to honor and celebrate who you are as a multidimensional being of energy. Most earthwalkers are unconscious to their own personal energy, energy signature, or the energy surrounding them. Therefore they are unconscious of the interchange of energy that is continuously taking place between themselves and others […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Parallel Realities
December 15, 2021, via email We are here; we continue to reach out. We are aware that at these times you are more receptive. So it is our intention and invitation to offer you the opportunity to remember who you truly are. You are a star being, a member of the galactic family having a […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Heal the Wounded Heart
November 18, 1021, via email We are here to invite and support your total awareness. We have come to realize that human beings have difficulty with the connection between thoughts, emotions and the physical stance that the body takes. Thoughts and emotions appear to be formless whereas the physical body has shape and form. However […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ A Bigger Playground
October 18, 2021, via email We are here inviting you to acknowledge who you are and to begin to step into your mastery. We continue to offer you simple ways to shift energy throughout the day; again we remind you that gratitude and laughter are powerful tools to shift energy. This practice is most important […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ The Great Awakening
September 20, 2021, via email We are here and we begin this by sharing that there is much work to be done. We will also say there is much work being done across your globe. There are those awakened and looking around with new eyes. There are those who are awakening with fear and confusion. […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ The Path of Joy and Gratitude
August 18, 2021, via email We are here are offering you an invitation and a new viewpoint to consider. This is the opportunity to shift your reality, to begin to radiate and vibrate a higher frequency that will open the doors to the higher dimensions and your incredible power. This is the time to reset […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Levels of Consciousness
July 14, 2021, vie email We are here, honored to offer our love and our words of guidance and encouragement. These are intense times for humanity. You know this and are witnessing the shifts taking place in your reality. You are witnessing the dismantling of all that is old and stale the old illusory reality, […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Now is the Portal
June 18, 2021, via email We are here offering you our support and our words to invite you to step into your true magnificence. Your reality is beginning to return to more normal activities as well as a sense of normal pace. We are inviting you to pause and become aware of how you want […]
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Codes of Light
May 20, 2021, via email We are here offering our invitation and celebration. It is an invitation for you to remember your magnificence. And the celebration is honoring the awesome event that is taking place within the consciousness of Humanity. We do not have to remind you of the past events that caused the entire […]