by Daniel Scranton “I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You will notice changes happening, both inside of you and outside of you, more rapidly because of the number of people you have on planet Earth today. This is a collective ascension. It’s a universal ascension, and there are more coming in […]
St. Germaine Reminds Us to Make, Fill, Program our Food with Love
In March 2017, St. Germaine shared tips, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, to maintain our bodies, saying: Beloveds, if you are not in that conversation with your body, I am pleading, guiding, directing, begging you to begin. When St. Germaine was in form, he attended many times very elaborate banquets, and […]
Extreme Addiction in Vancouver, What We Can Do in the New Year
Warning: the video below is disturbing—recently shot in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and Granville Street. The redeeming factor is there are people working on solutions, but unfortunately there is a sad twist. Time for new leadership. This was my hope for last year, 2024, I extend it out again for 2025: In Vancouver’s DTES Volunteering […]