by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the Arcturians. It is an honor and a Joy to connect with you. Thank you for this transmission. We feel a great anticipation rising within the collective of Humanity, as most now have the innate sense of many great changes occurring within and all around you. This collective […]
The Andromedan Intergalactic Council: Believe it or Not
by Chellea Wilder Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. We are very grateful for this connection. As more information emerges from various sources, the long-held secrets of Non-Human Intelligence, that have been concealed from humanity, are finally beginning to see the light of day. This disclosure is not a singular […]
The Pleiadians: Humanity is being Shaken Awake
by Chellea Wilder Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light. We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission. Major transformation is unfolding in these pivotal moments that all of Humanity are both witnessing and experiencing collectively. This transformation is multi-faceted, encompassing not only the awareness of our presence as […]
Andromeda Intergalactic Council: Chosen Ones, You Have a Sacred Calling
by Chellea Wilser Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. We are very grateful for this connection. Your eyes are beginning to awaken to a profound new understanding of your innermost truth, a truth that has long been hidden beneath layers of forgetfulness and illusion. For some individuals, this awakening may […]
AA Michael: The Divine Order is Accelerating your Ascension
by Chellea Wilder Blessings Beloved Ones, It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank You for this communion. Everything seems to be in total chaos within your reality, reflecting that many are within total chaos within themselves. It is important to remember that everything around you affects you. This includes celestial events and alignments. […]
The High Council of Sirius: Full Reptilian Disclosure
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It’s wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for your continued dedication to bringing the Light. We wish to advise that this particular message is for disclosure purposes, and may give information that may be uncomfortable for some. The Light has an […]
Saint Germain: Things are Heating Up
by Chellea Wilder Blessings, my Dear Earth Family. It is always wonderful to connect with you, and to extend this connection to those who are reading and hearing the messages being shared. While you are evolving to a state of non-duality, you still live very much within a dual and complex existence. Your inner […]
The High Council of Sirius: Everything is Speeding Up
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. It is a joy to be connecting with you, thank you for this transmission. Reality seems to be accelerating at an unprecedented rate, moving forward with a velocity that many of you are finding overwhelming. It’s as if the very fabric of your […]
The Pleiadian Council of Light: It is Happening
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light, It is always wonderful to connect with you, our beloved Earth family. Each time we reach out, we feel the vibrational resonance of your collective consciousness, and it brings us great joy to engage in this exchange of energy and wisdom. As we […]
Archangel Michael: A Grander Plan is Unfolding
by Chellea Wilder Blessings Beloved Ones, It is wonderful to connect with you. Whether you are fully aware of it or not, a paradigm shift has already begun. Impacting every facet of your existence. While you still await the grand solar flash, your reality must undertake these transformations. You are being lifted into the […]
Andromeda Intergalactic Council: Coming in 2025
by Chellea Wilder Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator. Thank you for connecting with us. Your planet is currently undergoing a significant and transformative energetic shift. The opening of higher vibrational vortexes, appearing all over the Earth, is coinciding with the start of your New Year. In this, your current […]
High Council of Sirius: Something Much Greater is Happening
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius. Thank you for connecting with us. Through our observations of the myriad of current events unfolding around your Earth, we have witnessed a significant increase in curiosity and awareness that extends beyond the conventional limits of human perception. Humans are beginning to […]
Pleiadian Council of Light: A Much Bigger Picture of Your Truth
by Chellea Wilder Greetings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light. It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for this Transmission. You are now ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead of you. Over the course of your last Earth year, you have faced numerous obstacles and have successfully navigated […]
The Moment has Arrived. Are You Ready?
by Chellea Wilder Greetings Dear Family of Light. It is wonderful to speak with you. Thank you for connecting with us. Change is everywhere, permeating every aspect of life as you know it. The energies surrounding you are extreme, and are intensifying at an unprecedented rate. Some of this New Energy is being sent […]
Saint Germain: This is the End of the Old Paradigm
by Chellea Wilder Blessings, My Dear Earth Family. It’s wonderful to connect with you, thank you for communing with me. Life is full of changes, and at these moments Humanity is finding yourselves at a crossroads where you must decide how to move forward. Transitions can be challenging, as they often bring up questions […]
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