(Continued from Part 1.)
Now let’s look at circumstances prior to 9/11 that show that, if the CIA had wanted to, they could have arrested bin Laden on at least two occasions prior to 9/11 – and they did not.
Osama Meets with CIA Chief in Dubai before 9/11
If the CIA had wanted to capture Osama bin Laden before 9/11 they could have done so in July 2011, three months before 9/11, when he was recovering in a Dubai hospital from kidney dialysis.
At the time, bin Laden had a multi-million dollar price on his head for his suspected role in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa
David Ray Griffin wrote in 2007:
“In [July] of 2001, when he was already America’s ‘most wanted’ criminal, he reportedly spent two weeks in the American Hospital in Dubai, at which he was treated by an American doctor and visited by the local CIA agent. (Sometimes the truth slips out.)” (1)
Michael Chossudovsky of Global Research details that meeting and its aftermath.
“Dubai… was the backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent in July [2001]. A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in Dubai claims that ‘public enemy number one’ stayed at this hospital between the 4th and 14th of July. While he was hospitalized, bin Laden received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to go [up] to bin Laden’s hospital room.
“A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden. Authorized sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta [Pakistan], the CIA agent was called back to headquarters. In the pursuit of its investigations, the FBI discovered ‘financing agreements’ that the CIA had been developing with its ‘Arab friends’ for years. The Dubai meeting is, so it would seem, within the logic of ‘a certain American policy.’” (2)
Former CIA agent Milt Bearden was quoted in an interview with Dan Rather on September 12, 2001, as saying: “If they didn’t have an Osama bin Laden, they would invent one.” (3)
Osama was in a Rawalpindi Hospital the Night before 9/11
Osama bin Ladin was reported as having received word about the World Trade Center bombings as soon as they happened. He was alleged to have been in an Afghani cave at the time. But in reality he was nowhere near a cave, but in a Rawalpindi hospital getting another kidney dialysis, surrounded by troops of the Pakistani army. Says the video Loose Change:
“September 10, 2001. … In Pakistan, at a military hospital, all the urologists are replaced by a special team, in order to host their guest of honour, Osama bin Laden, who is carefully escorted inside to be watched carefully and looked after.” (4)
CBS reported bin Laden’s whereabouts in a news broadcast at the time.
DAN RATHER, CBS ANCHOR: As the United states and its allies in the war on terrorism press the hunt for Osama bin Laden, CBS News has exclusive information tonight about where bin Laden was and what he was doing in the last hours before his followers struck the United States September 11.
This is the result of hard-nosed investigative reporting by a team of CBS news journalists, and by one of the best foreign correspondents in the business, CBS`s Barry Petersen. Here is his report.
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BARRY PETERSEN, CBS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Everyone remembers what happened on September 11. Here`s the story of what may have happened the night before. It is a tale as twisted as the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
CBS News has been told that the night before the September 11 terrorist attack, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan. He was getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan.
Pakistan intelligence sources tell CBS News that bin Laden was spirited into this military hospital in Rawalpindi for kidney dialysis treatment. On that night, says this medical worker who wanted her identity protected, they moved out all the regular staff in the urology department and sent in a secret team to replace them. She says it was treatment for a very special person. The special team was obviously up to no good.
“The military had him surrounded,” says this hospital employee who also wanted his identity masked, “and I saw the mysterious patient helped out of a car. Since that time,” he says, “I have seen many pictures of the man. He is the man we know as Osama bin Laden. I also heard two army officers talking to each other. They were saying that Osama bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after.” Those who know bin Laden say he suffers from numerous ailments, back and stomach problems. …
Doctors at the hospital told CBS News there was nothing special about that night, but they refused our request to see any records. Government officials tonight denied that bin Laden had any medical treatment on that night.
(voice-over): But it was Pakistan`s President Musharraf who said in public what many suspected, that bin Laden suffers from kidney disease, saying he thinks bin Laden may be near death. His evidence, watching this most recent video, showing a pale and haggard bin Laden, his left hand never moving. Bush administration officials admit they don`t know if bin Laden is sick or even dead. …
Barry Petersen, CBS News, Islamabad.
One does not undergo kidney dialysis, spring out of bed, and take a plane home. In all likelihood, bin Laden was still in Rawalpindi on Sept. 11, when the attacks occurred.
(Continued in Part 3.)
(1) David Ray Griffin in https://www.911truth.dk/first/en/faq.htmhttps://www.911truth.dk/first/en/faq.htm, downloaded 19 Aug. 2007.
(2) https://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/RIC111B.html. See also “Setting the Record Straight on Osama bin Laden at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/05/setting-the-record-straight-on-osama-bin-laden/ and “This 9/11, Vindicate the American Muslim Community,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/911-essays/this-911-vindicate-the-american-muslim-community/.
(3) Michel Chossudovsky , “Bush Administration knew the Whereabouts of Osama,” 16 November 2003 (revised 17 November 2003) , at https://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO311A.html.
(4) Loose Change, downloaded from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE, 15 Aug. 2007.
(5) Michel Chossudovsky, “Bush Administration,” ibid.