As the reval looms, what will result from it is something that I’ve been pondering and I’d like to make some random comments as a result of that musing.
I think we’re making a transition from one mode of society to another. The old mode of being with money was that we would amass and retain as much as we could because money was scarce and had to be earned by the sweat of our brows. We would conserve our wealth and pass it on only to our family and closest friends. And that was mainly after our death. This was the mode of a debt-based society.
The new mode, as it emerges and forms up, will, I think, be different. I’m not sure I can put it in a single sentence. Let’s look at those who benefit from the reval or the prosperity packages and let’s restrict our attention to those who benefit significantly, not to those who benefit only modestly. And all of this is voluntary. I don’t want to name names – ever – but to allow people their privacy.
The formula that presents itself to me as worthy of discussion is to reserve a portion of one’s earnings, winnings, benefits, however you wish to see it, for one’s own support and for the support of one’s family and friends; then to put aside an amount to cover income tax (if needed) and a contingency fund; and then to share the surplus in an ever-widening series of concentric rings with whomever you conceive of as your circle. We get as far as we get; then our disposable income has been shared or gifted; and then we stop.
My circle is lightworkers. Another person might see his or her circle as battered women, children with leprosy, the homeless, etc.
I see this way of being financially as an interim arrangement covering the time during which we transition from a debt economy to an abundance economy. It covers the period of revals, prosperity programs, the World Global Settlement Fund release, the cashing in of the historical bonds (also called trading platforms), etc. In other words, it covers the period in which prosperity is rippled out through some channels to the whole of our world community.
It ends when NESARA itself comes in in its fulness and prosperity or abundance becomes the rule for everyone. Once prosperity is the lot of everyone, this interim period will be over.
I have a challenge to make to those who benefit significantly in these early weeks and months ahead. That challenge is to see yourself consciously in the role of financial wayshower.
I’ve already been contacted by one wayshower who has offered post-reval assistance to a group and I’m working with him to devise an arrangement that works for him. We’re all new at this so we’re working our way through the matter step by step to see that everyone wins and no one loses. But he’s consciously acting like a financial wayshower.
Sharing our surplus with an ever-widening circle of people turns us from being a hoarding society into a gifting or sharing society. It places emphasis on values like generosity, sharing, cooperating and unifying.
Everyone had the opportunity to participate in the reval. But only some people did. I know I personally told a lot of people how to participate in the reval. I’d estimate that perhaps five at most took me up on what I said to them.
(I don’t give details of what I advised because I cannot assume the role of financial advisor. It’s just not a wise thing to do. I’ve tried to give hints in earlier articles but I cannot advisedly come right out and say it, I’m afraid.)
These five self-selected themselves, I believe, to be financial wayshowers.
As wayshowers, we’re setting the new financial paradigm for Planet Earth. And that new paradigm, I recommend, could be as I set out above: attend to yourself first; then your circle of family and friends; set aside money for income tax and a contingency fund; then share with a wider and wider circle of people until you have gifted what you conceive to be your surplus; and then stop.
I should say this is not my formula. It embodies the advice that Archangel Michael has given me in private readings. I am responsible for any errors I make in turning his words into a formula however.
You may disagree. You may see the new paradigm in another way. That’s fine. (Add a comment, below, perhaps on your philosophy.)
Surely this is the time to consider the matter and discuss it because those who’ve chosen to be a channel for abundance, those who’ve self-selected themselves to be financial wayshowers, and those who find themselves being chosen by someone else (i.e., they are gifted to or become recipients of a prosperity program without having asked to be) are mulling over ways of responding to their good fortune.
Let us self-consciously, self-awaredly take up this mission as financial wayshowers.
And to those who of us who are on the receiving end (we need both gifters and receivers and all of us have contracted in our soul agreements to play one role or the other in the dance of life), please don’t sandbag financial wayshowers with emails and importunities. That will cause matters to break down.
And wayshowers, do protect your anonymity in the ways that are being discussed on such blogs as Dinar Recaps ( Remember: You’re not obliged to respond to unsolicited emails. Please go easy on yourself.
We need all of us to take up the divine qualities we’ve been discussing for at least the past year and make this new way of being work. There’s an etiquette we need to observe, even if it hasn’t been totally articulated yet. We need to make this work for everyone.
Organized ways of getting prosperity out to people are also being planned as we speak.
Oh, and let me add, I’ve been contacted by the California man who has a pension of $800 a month and keeps sending me $25 monthly checks. When I sent him $20 back to ensure that he is not greatly inconvenienced, while allowing him the opportunity to make a more modest gift, he sent me back my cheque again.
In my view, this man (Robert) has been a financial wayshower from the get go. Rest assured that I will see that he is taken care of when the new prosperity arrives. You’re welcome to contact me through “Contact us” if you would like to gift him too. Let’s have this be fun.
And I guess that’s the bottom line. A gifting society, a sharing society, a cooperating society is fun. A world that works for everyone is fun.
Archangel Michael keeps pressing me: “Have fun.” “Make it be fun.” I keep telling him, I’m a monk. A monk does not eat, drink and be merry. And he replies: “It’s hard for you, isn’t it?” But I know he wants me to stay here for a while and to do that he has to ground me into the Earth and encourage me to introduce a little fun into my life. I am trying!!!!!!
So a gifting society can be fun. This new way of being can be fun. And, as White Cloud said, not because we have to, but because our true natures are joy, are fun.
The Hope Chest is one obvious way to get money out to lightworkers. You’re heartily invited to gift the Hope Chest, which will see that the money gets distributed. That’s what it was created for. To gift to the Hope Chest, please use the “donate” button in the righthand column.
You can also gift to Fix the World and Operation Compassion.
(To readers writing in and asking for clarification of President Obama’s stance on Syria, I will ask Sanat Kumara next Monday to clarify.)