Yesterday I discussed a state of mind which I call “no solutions.” I discussed the vasana that lies underneath it for me, which arises to be released, like so many vasanas and core issues at this time.
I’d like to discuss the state of mind further because it’s one that’s about as prevalent in our society as any disabling state of mind is.
The state of mind that sees no solutions is one that sees scarcity and separation in the world.
It holds that separated individuals are mortal and won’t survive if they don’t win the struggle for survival in which competition reigns and the loser goes to the wall. Sociologists call this view “Social Darwinism.”
And finally it sees this state of affairs being inevitable. It believes that no solutions can be found, ever – that this is just the way life is.
In our world, as it was until the cabal was defeated, power and wealth were concentrated in the hands of a few. That elite controlled the government, police, military, courts, etc.
Unbelievably it was seeding the population with manmade pandemics and doubling their effect with toxic vaccines, poisoning the atmosphere with chemtrails and depleted-uranium fallout, bleeding farmers dry with GMO crops that would not seed, who then suicided, and I could list (and have listed) a long series of other strategies designed to rid their world of what they considered to be “useless” eaters (us).
Joining them were members of the Supreme Court, the churches, the medical profession, education, entertainment, and so on.
Few of us knew at the time that these things were happening. We did feel the impact in poorer health, fewer jobs, lower wages, lost benefits, and so on. Life became depressing and we succumbed to that depression. The belief was that this state of affairs was inevitable. Nothing could be done to address our situation.
At the end of World War II, we were sure as a civilization that democracy had been secured for the world. But, by the time the “planes” slammed into the World Trade Center, we were rapidly losing hope of significant change, as that false-flag operation was designed to have us do.
Let’s look at the accuracy of the state of mind of “no solutions.”
Are we mortal and must we survive? I’d like to believe that all readers of this blog know that we’re all immortal beings, destined to live forever, and that there’s no question of survival, no matter what happens. The fact that we survive death of the body must be known to our culture by now.
More and more, we’re coming alive to the fact that we’re not separate either. As the vibratory frequency on the planet rises, we’re feeling the love that unites us.
We’re not only feeling more and more connected, but we’re realizing that we consist of love, that love is all there is in the multiverse – its constituent, its glue and its solvent. And when a thing dissolves, it dissolves back into love, the love that God is, who is everything that is.
And as we feel that love more and more, we see that there’s no need to compete with each other. The desire to cooperate grows more and more.
And when we look with these new love-eyes, we see that there never was any need to compete. There always was enough to go around in the world. The problem was never scarcity, but distribution.
Far from having the loser go to the wall, we think more and more of building a world that works for everyone – the sick as well as the healthy, the disabled as well as the able, the young and the old as well as the in-betweens, women as well as men.
There are solutions galore to be had and simply the means and the will are lacking. But the means will soon be here and the will is rising as the vibrations on the planet rise.
So therefore the situation of “no solutions” is not inevitable. It is not the way the world needs to be.
I’ve sourced my vasana which was the sticking point that had me see the world this way at a deep, unconscious, subterranaean level. But the concept and condition of “no solutions” must itself be released by our wider culture.
There’s nothing that stands between us and a world that works save our own ways of thinking. And even these are being challenged and made obsolete by the Mother’s waves of love that are uplifting us.
We are more than machines that respond to stimuli in the ways we always have. It’s time to wake up, feel the love, and be a-building. The solutions are there and will come more and more in the flow that arises as we become liberated beings.