In conversation last night with a friend, the suggestion was made to me that my early childhood in this lifetime may have been designed to raise issues in me that really belonged to another lifetime, two millennia ago as a warrior.
I was fascinated to see the correspondences.
The same situation the warrior faced I faced as a child in this lifetime.
That caused a reflection in me that had me see that the situation went much further than just lifetimes. I found myself confronting some pretty basic masculine character traits in myself.
I’d like to discuss them but I have to bank on you hearing me as being transparent, not as somehow recommending the way I be to others. I’m not doing that.
If I could have been a karate instructor, I think I would have been immensely happy. I was so filled with aggressive-male energy that I would have been entirely satisfied with such a career.
A lot about me has been founded on aggressive responses to male aggression. I’ve just chosen to serve the white hats rather than the black hats, but fighting is still a consistent thread with me.
When the outcome is welcome and pleasurable, I call it “competition.” When the outcome is unwelcome and painful, I call it “war.”
What’s happening in the Middle East is not that far removed from what’s happening (I speculate) inside most men today, around the world.
The Middle East is like a tapestry of aggressive-male conditioning run amok. But the same design lurks in so many men, even if they wouldn’t take it that far.
It’s only a question of degree with men. The aggressive patterns are regrettably fixed.
And now, within recent years, the whole nature of the social order has changed. We’re now in an era that honors the feminine way more. Aggressive males are told to “Love. It’s simple.” But it may not be simple for aggressive males even if it’s what needs to be done.
So long as we were pushing back the cabal, the lack of fit between the aggressive-male way of doing things and the success of the Divine Plan was obscured. Warriors were valued. All we thought about was how to stop the bad guys.
But now the cabal is receding, the Divine Plan has become known, and depth of love is what is valued and required. Warriors are no longer needed. The aggressive-male way of doing things is shown to be obsolete (and always was).
As a way of being, the aggressive male has to go and I don’t think anyone would deny it, not men or women.
Nevertheless, it may be quite a leap for males everywhere to abandon their aggressive ways, whether in sport or war. To suddenly stand down after so many decades of turmoil could be hard. In men it’s the fight or flight instinct that predominates, not the love response as I’m told is the case with women. I’m simply saying it as I see it.
To believe that the aggressive male will get what “love” means in an instant is, I think, unrealistic. One may have to translate “love” into a male language for it to be understood. “You know when a person risks their life for you?” “Yes.” You know how you feel for them?” “Yes.” “That’s love.” Who knows what will be required?
Men may need to be willing to go to Love Kindergarten and watch Sesame Street of Love with the openness of a child. There’ll be an incredible amount of humility required to leap the gap to making love, not war.
Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water, I’m thrust from vasanas and core issues to social issues.
Is the male himself obsolete? I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone wants him to be. I think what’s really being requested is the birth of the sensitive male.
And for most of us men? It’s back to work.