I feel a tremendous release of pent-up compassion and determination, seeing that we have in Washington an administration that actually makes it a priority to listen to people – and then to act. Promises made; promises kept.
My heavens, it’s like being released from prison.
I don’t see G/NESARA happening before the deportation situation has been ironed out. The creation of so many gazillionaires looking for projects might bring uncontrollable chaos to the scene.
I trust the plan. My participation in the Reval is in service, not for gain. So I’m getting on with life and otherwise ready and waiting.
And what a life to get along with! I can’t keep up with another 78-year-old – Donald Trump! Course he probably has a med bed in the White House!
Blink and I missed an important story. Gateway Pundit is filling my iPhone with notifications.
There’s a new Sheriff in town. And I welcome it.
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