There’s an inner conflict going on in me right now. It’s between an intellectual drive to remain aware and awake to all that’s happening around me (an external focus), and an experiential drive to “be here now,” removed from time (an internal focus).
When I make moves to go into the latter, an inner timekeeper shouts, “OK. Fifteen minutes!”
I’m experimenting with it. Does the inner timekeeper yield to love, breathed up from my heart?
I find that, instead of disappearing, the drive to understand becomes impacted by the love I draw up from my heart. It gets steered in a better direction. I’m now lovingly trying to understand.
Is this impact of love on whatever it is I’m doing what Michael means by “heart consciousness” and “does it come from love?”
Interesting. Love purifies anything I do. OK, mark that down in my leadership learning notebook.
Everything done becomes sacred when it’s done from love. I was going to say “higher-dimensional love” because that’s what really baptizes us in the River Jordan, what transforms our consciousness.
But I’m not sure. Our everyday love? Yes, I guess anything loving invites a response from the universe. … But the love that awaits us after Ascension will knock us over. Hallelujah! Home at last!
So this is heart consciousness. OK, I see now what Michael is trying to stimulate in us. To take what we gather from external sources and “run it through” our heart, to sit with it in a quiet space and ask the heart to express itself on the matter.
On one level, that allows our guides and the Mother to speak with us. We’re quiet and listening and the telephone line goes through the heart.
On another level, we’re able to subject the impulse to a test. If we draw love up from our heart, does that dissipate the desire in question to act? If it does, then … that’s our answer. Next matter. I’m familiar with working in this manner.
This introspection has left me in a quiet space. I’ve gone so out of my way to create it – cellphone off, computer about to be turned off, everyone away.
I breathe peace up from my heart, not love this time.
I hear: “Leave your ego at the door….”