(Continued from Part 1, above.)
Now the Mother has a wish. She wishes to alter the Ascension model.
(A) Now people will not only be able to ascend individually, but as a planet, en masse.
“What is special about this time,” SaLuSa says, “is that the whole of Humanity has been given that choice.” (4)
“By the end of the cycle, it will be possible to say, that everyone had at some time been given the opportunity to take a new path out of duality.” (5)
“Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place.” (6)
“It will of course be successful, as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.” (7)
(B) AND the ascenders don’t have to drop their body. Now they can take the physical body with them, the underlying crystaline light body being revealed by the higher lovelight vibrations. Michael explains:
Archangel Michael: Understand, your lightbody is containing everything you are. The atoms, the subatomic particles of your physicality are not holding the lightbody. …
What happened is your dimmer switch was basically almost in the off-position, but the current that was flowing into that lightbody was not turned off. But what you have been doing is bringing it up higher, higher, higher, higher into full-quotient reality. …
So the trick has never been to assume your lightbody. The trick has been to bring the fullness of your lightbody up to complete quotient while in physicality. That is truly the shift! (8)
(C) AND, as if all that were not enough, whereas Third-Dimensional beings were restricted to the Third Dimension, Fourth to the Fourth, etc., previously, (9) now all of space will be interdimensional. Residents of the Third will be able to visit the other dimensions. Michael tells us:
[We’re in a] shift from the old 3rd dimensional human being, to, can we say, a global, interdimensional, transdimensional, galactic human. (10) (My emphasis.)
(To be concluded, below.)
(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009, at https://galactichannelings.com.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Ibid., Feb. 22, 2012
(7) Ibid., Dec. 12, 2012.
(8) “Archangel Michael: What Is the Lightbody?” October 14, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/10/14/archangel-michael-what-is-the-lightbody/.
(9) New Maps of Heaven in its entirety was taken from afterlife sources who lived under the old rules for Ascension and travel within the dimensions. See for instance “We Descend at Will, but Not Ascend” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Planes_of_Life#We_Descend_at_Will.2C_but_Not_Ascend
(10) “Archangel Michael: It’s Time to Let Go of the Old,” Oct. 22, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/the-2012-scenario/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangel-michael-its-time-to-let-go-of-the-old/
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