by Judith Kusel
Ascension Portal
We are now moving into a huge ascension portal as from the 21st and this will escalate in 2025 and even more so, in five and ten years.
It is imperative that you keep your thoughts, your focus, your attention, your words, and your actions aligned and concentrate on what you truly wish to create from the heart and soul, in the highest and best ways possible, for the highest good of all.
This is your own responsibility.
As much as it is your own responsibility, to not get caught up in whatever is going on in the world right now, and in the next few months.
We are now in a much higher frequency band, where everything is possible. There are no impossibilities.
But if we allow ourselves to be limited, or believe we are, or allow ourselves to be sidetracked, then our souls will always call us back home and on track.
Of course, you can ignore this and allow the dramas of the old Earth to pull you back in, but in the end, you choose your own destiny now. Whether in the Old earth or in the New. Your own choices determine the outcome.
Multi-dimensionality is now the norm. It is as easy as switching television channels, and therefore you will suddenly see, hear, and notice life in an unusual way than ever before.
This is natural. For the higher the frequency, the less dense life becomes and the more light-filled, love-filled, and balanced. The higher the frequency, the faster the light and sound, and the more consciousness grows.
I have found that when I am in nature, I can see this profoundly, as the trees, and animals, birds etc. have a halo around them. The waters are now holding the seventh to ninth dimensional frequencies already, and the air is tuning in.
This is why there are so many earthquakes, and strange weather patterns, now, and this is not all artificially done.
I know for sure, as I am being shown this, that elementals from other universes are now here eating the pollution, and there is a huge clean-up operation on all levels now. This is purification in the highest degrees.
Listen too, to the sound of the waters, and the sound of the wind. The frequencies have gone up considerably, and it is almost like the waters and air are speaking to us, and if we are tuned in, we can experienced a deeper connection to the elements and elementals that we could not do, for thousands of years, since the fall of Atlantis.
Note too that the High Priesthood of Atlantis have all returned, and those of Mu and Lemuria and they are assisting us on immensely powerful levels, some in embodiment and some not. They are holding the ascension process steady for all, and all serve at galactic and universal levels.
Note that this shift is so intense that you will need time to just rest, to just be, and more than this, go out in nature.
Connect with her. At the moment it is not just the old earth, but the New Earth is already here, and as you ascend you are already operating in her, and not in the Old Earth. Get past the physical – and see, feel, know, and hear with your inner soul self and your heart!
Note that all the muck, the dirt, and whatever is being churned up – instead of getting into a tizzy about it, simply observe, and then rise above it all, and change your lifestyle, and be willing to change on all levels.
You are meant to change – to transfigure and whatever was which attracted you even a year ago, is not there anymore. As you change, then how can you expect others to stay the same as they were years ago?
Let go of the past. Completely. It has served its purpose. The future you are being created here and now, and this is why it is so important to keep disciplined and focused in the here and now, on the co-creation of the New Earth and New Golden Age.
And more than this: Care for the children!
I CANNOT stress this enough! Please do not project outdated paradigms and methods, and foods and whatever on them, and archaic education systems. Nurture THEIR SOULS. They are new souls and never have had a lifetime on earth before!
More than this: Stay centered in your heart and FEEL, know, and follow your intuitive guidance more than any outside noise.
The time of other people telling you what to do is over.
Claim your own magnificence and your true sovereignty, even as you now create sacred circles of like-minded souls, and together we in truth are all One, and we know only ONENESS, LOVE AND UNITY.
I greet you, Beloveds, in and with love and in love.
Note that symbol for the Age of Aquarius are the Dolphins.