Nice to see it all laid out so succinctly and efficiently. I love that his passion for truth and for protecting human health will be definitive in whatever’s coming next…for this country and for our world. Is the alliance between Trump and RFK, Jr. written in the stars?
Click the image above to watch…
Some of our readers aren’t on X, so I took notes
- The Russians tried repeatedly to settle the war on terms that were very beneficial to Ukraine and “us.”
- They wanted to keep NATO out of the Ukraine.
- Big military contractors want to add new countries to NATO all the time because they can then have a trapped market: Nato gets to tell those member countries what they’ll have to buy to conform, and from whom.
- Mitch McConnel admitted that the money we send to Ukraine is going, instead, to American defense manufacturers. It’s a money laundering scheme run by Blackrock, owner of all those companies.
- They call money sent to Ukraine a “loan” so that they can impose loan conditions: 1.) Extreme austerity (If you’re poor, you shall remain so forever), and 2.) Put government held assets up for sale to multi-national corporations, including all its agricultural land.
- Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe. 30% has already been sold. The buyers? Dupont, Cargill and Monsanto…owned by Blackrock.
- In December, Biden gave the contract to rebuild Ukraine out to…Blackrock.
- They do this in our faces, and they don’t even care that we know. They get away with it by keeping us at war with one another.