Understandings from the Universal Law of Change taught to us by Universal Mother Mary, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
Every moment our hearts beat, oxygen is exchanged, new cells are being created, some are dying off.
There is constant movement in our physical bodies and it is creating the New.
The Mother says to embrace our rejuvenation and restoration within and without, and that change is sequenced and sequential.
We are building a foundation, not only within ourselves, but within our communities, our neighbourhoods, our families.
We are holding that vision as we work together to manifest what is joyful, pleasurable, what feels solid and dependable and buildable, and from there, we sequence.
We are not to live in fear:
“Do I need to build up my storage facility of canned goods?”
“Do I need to have money hidden away?”
“Do I need to have reserves of gas?”
The Mother says that is not building community; that is putting our head in the sand.
She says if we do not feel safe to ask for help, that if we turn to her and allow her to embrace us with Her Energy, Her Blue Velvet Cloak, we will feel safe and secure.
If we allow the Mighty Ones to surround us, we will feel safe and secure, and she says that does not mean, because we have an open heart that we will not feel moments, not so much of fear but of,
“Oh no, that does not belong on this planet and in this sacred environment of Gaia.”
But the beauty of feeling the old is to do the elimination work:
“No, it is not right that I should not have enough money to pay my rent, or my medical bills or my telephone bill. That is not what I create in this Universe.”
Then we do the elimination and we are creating the New, in concert with the Mother, to feel safe and secure.
We have the clarity of vision to see what is awry, what needs shifting and eliminating.
Does it mean that there is instantaneous resolution and a shift?
The Mother says to know the change is taking place; change is happening every single moment of every single day – it is not possible for that not to happen.
She says to place our hands upon our heart, and feel as if the energy is draining out of our head into our heart – that we may feel faint or light-hearted because we are so used to being in our heads – all the random thoughts are draining down like an elevator going to the basement into our heart, into the depths of our heart.
We are here to remember our heart consciousness and live from there, to embrace constant change, our Ascension, Love.
An Invocation for the Universal Law of Change
I invoke Universal Mother Mary and the Universal Law of Change
to know the Mother’s Gift of Infinite Becoming
in the Eternal Flow of Love.