July 20, 2024
All good work is done the way ants do things: Little by little. ~ Lafcadio Hearn
It’s almost comforting to deal with a mundane problem when the world is splintering and each moment unfolds with greater mystery than the last.
My cats are the early alert system when ants start coming in. They roll on the floor, rubbing faces to the tile and contorting like earthworms caught in the sun.
When ants invaded several years ago, I researched safe repellents and spent a month applying diatomaceous earth and borax, essential oils and cayenne pepper and cinnamon sticks. Apparently the ants had not done their research, because they were not noticeably deterred. They conquered the first floor before setting up housekeeping upstairs, at which point I called a pest control company. The ants disappeared, peace was restored, and I added the company to my list of trusted vendors.
Fast-forward a couple of years and a loosening of the Awake & Ascending Person’s rigid code of standards. An hour after I noticed the ants yesterday, I was speed dialing the pest control company.
When the ants invaded years ago, I tried every Earth-friendly trick in the book to eradicate them, but ended up doing what I could have done on Day One. In a similar fashion, I put off the tried-and-true treatment for chronic hip pain until just a few months ago, when I had hip replacement surgery. Pain—gone. Third-dimensional magic at its finest.
Longtime friends were mystified by my reluctance to even consider hip surgery. Newer friends, more versed in esoterica, urged me to continue seeking an energetic / spiritual solution. And I was swayed by self-proclaimed self-healers such as author Louise Hay. Of course I wanted that, not potentially problematic 3D surgery. I was starry-eyed over Reiki and energy healing, the power of mind and intention to effect bodily transformation, even healing supposedly incurable conditions. Surely it would be a swift and simple matter to refill that hip socket with cartilage and build up that bone! It’s tempting to roll my eyes at my own naivety.
I may never fully grasp the spiritual lessons of that eight-year hip pain journey, but I know for sure I learned not to be so suspicious of a conventional medical treatment that I put myself through half a decade of unnecessary pain, searching for the chimera of “the better way to do it.”
The assassination attempt upon President Trump was both heartbreaking and heartening. Many assume that this “shot heard around the world” is the big event that will accelerate the downfall of the deep state and the upliftment of humanity. How long a delay before the upliftment gets into full gear is anyone’s guess.
In the meanwhile, when insect invasions occur or esoteric cures won’t budge that nagging health issue…who you gonna call?
If we’re ever plagued by unfriendly non-corporeal entities, I know an excellent ghostbuster. She’s on the speed dial alongside the pest control company and the surgeon who gave me a new hip. I’m truly open to all beings who offer assistance, guidance, what-have-you. I won’t wear blinders to what any dimension can offer when I need help with something…at least until the point where needing help isn’t even on my radar, because I—we—will finally Be There.