The Masters are very specific about wording as these messages are encoded with energies that the reader receives. The specific words used, the punctuation, and even the spaces between the words all carry encoding and energies…. what Archangel Michael called “the space between the spaces.” (1)
7/3/24 Information received from Beloved Quan Yin
Greetings Beloved Ones
Allow the magic of each day to unfold with gentleness
Be the designer of your reality
Be ever cognizant of thought word and desire
Much is to take place in the days and weeks ahead
Bring to the forefront your strength your courage and your love
It will be needed for those who are to awaken at this time
Kindness and compassion will be greatly needed
We assure you victory is yours
The Unseen Forces of Light are with you in Oneness
7/4/24 Information received from Beloved Sananda
Greetings Beloved Ones
In the days and weeks ahead much revelation is to come to planet earth
For some it will bring joy for new beginnings
For others anger frustration and betrayal at the level of deception
The next wave for awaking of mankind is at hand
The masses are about to roar in numbers never seen before
Kindness love and compassion will be required from those already awake
This may be your finest hour
Be assured you are up to the task
The Unseen Forces of Light are with you every step of the way
7/4/24 Information received from Beloved Melchizedek
Greetings Beloved Ones
In the days and weeks ahead much is to take place that will shock mankind
It will cause much contemplation for what is important to mankind
The Light of the Creator is flooding Mother Gaia and all who dwell upon her
Know it is the beginning of the great awaking foretold eons ago
Be at peace
All is in readiness
You are more then up to the task
The Grand Finale is about to begin
The Unseen Forces of Light walk with you every step of the way
(1) Archangel Michael: We occupy often the space between the spaces. We come from Source. … Yes, it is bigger than you think. (“Archangel Michael on the Angelic Kingdom,” June 13, 2014, at