by Nicky Hamid
The knowing that will finally provide the Light to spark the fullness of yourself is not in the books, in a University, or metaphysical, or spiritual program, in the workshops from international experts.
The seeking for something outside yourself to give you the answers is how you got into trouble in the first place.
Of course any and all of these can trigger your own Truth but only you can answer to your Heart Knowing.
Only you can choose your own trajectory.
When are you going fully realize this. THERE IS ONLY ONE GURU …….Your own INNOCENCE (INNER SENSE).
The discerner of Truth is only one Being.
Would you like me to name who they are? I know, but I am not going to give them a name. You have to find them yourself but I tell you they will be the greatest Blessing you will ever receive.
Would you like me to tell you where they reside? OK then, since you have asked with such a yearning in your heart and have looked in so many places. Go to the mirror and look. Look deep into those eyes of knowing and not knowing.
There, sweet angel/warrior. there they are.
The one who can give you all the answers you can ever ask. The One who Knows you. The one that Knows what is always best for you. The One that Knows. Knows Truth in any given moment, they ARE that TRUTH, that Knows where Peace resides, they ARE that PEACE, and where the Love that surpasses all understanding is to be experienced, they ARE that LOVE.
DO NOT glance away or dismiss this beautiful diamond of reflected GOD. YOU really are the ONE you have been looking for.
But of course I know you knew all this. Well then, put your money where your mouth is.
For Precious Soul…..your Words are where your Heart is. With all your Heart call in your ‘Higher Self’, your I AM PRESENCE, to be more Present, more available, more anchored in your body, more sovereign in your life.
It is in your Heart, and through your Shining all is reveal to you and it becomes so self-evident that Everything has always been hidden in plain view.
Love that Being you see in front of you.
Love them with every fibre of your Being, in every moment that you Remember, for you will be Loving, Universe, Source, God (or whatever word you use for the “Nameless”).
I So Love You.
PS: And if you missed it in the image, look closer at what she sees in her reflection.