by Judith Kusel
Note that the vibrational frequencies are rising exponentially, as the 5th dimension is already here and is now accelerating into the 7th.
As your own vibrational frequency rises, according to your own levels of consciousness, it permeates everything you are creating or putting out there, or radiating and broadcasting outwards.
When you start to understand frequencies and vibrations, then you will understand the ultimate Universal Divine Laws of Resonance, of Attraction etc.
I have always been told that the need to advertise falls away, as you and whatever you put out or project or radiate outwards, will attract those who are tuned in. For you will now attract to you those and whatever exists on the same frequencies and vibrations as you are.
Like attracts like and those who resonate with your frequency band, tune in.
The “tuning in” factor is so important to note now.
We all are at soul level tuned in universally. Every soul has its own soul chord and sound frequencies as well as light. The more tuned in you are, and more your own light quotient levels rise, the higher your own vibrational frequencies rise and broadcast outwards. For what is within, manifests without.
It is important to understand that as we ascend, we will simply not be drawn to the lower frequency bands any longer.
Daily we are being bombarded with advertisements, yet I have found that I am not interested anymore, and only notice what resonates at soul level. The desire for more consumer gadgets etc. is non-existant, except for what I really can find useful in my life, and I mention this merely as an example.
The old 3D consumerism is busy falling away, as more souls become consciously aware, and start to now attract whatever and whoever is on their vibrational frequency band.
In truth, those who need to find you, will find you, and vice versa.
What resonates with you vibrational frequency, and whatever you are radiating forth, will tune in.
The day will come, when those who ascend will be so heartcentredly cocreating in unison the New Golden Age, that those who choose to stay in the old 3D, will not be able to tune in, nor even be able see, nor operate, nor exist, in the new.
This is already happening.