Answering a question about the Elohim has offered me an excuse to dive into the literature. That dive has produced this wonderful passage from the Mother on how the Divine Will, Command, or Inspiration – however you choose to view it – comes down from the Mother, through the archangels, seraphim, and elohim … and eventually to us.
I’ve only heard such a description once before, which I’ll attach, below. (1)
If I had hair and my hair could stand on end, it’d be standing on end right now, coming upon something as precious as this from the Mother.
“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 2/2,” through Linda Dillon, at
Steve: Mother, if I may intervene for a moment to ask you a question in regards to what you’ve been speaking about?
We talk about things like changing the human body from carbon-base to crystalline or introducing a new wrinkle in the Ascension plan in that we ascend with our bodies: How are changes like these effected?
Sometimes it’s said that God thinks and God’s thoughts create changes. Is there any way to explain to us how these monumental changes are being brought about, that we could understand?
Divine Mother: Yes. That expression, “God thinks,” as you know, the idea behind that is that there is [first a] divine thought and [thereafter] it is, and that is a good way to think of it or conceive of it.
But let us suggest toyou that God, the Unity, the Trinity, All, creates, and then it is. And when we do this, it is with you as well.
So it is not that there is Divine thought and then everything changes. There is also an element of your participation, because you are part of that creation, of that co-creation of that thought.
So, are we changing the carbon to crystalline form? Yes, but so are you. And we have had many of you do work with your form and with your DNA.
Some of you are still thinking this is a foreign concept. That is all right. It is being implanted in you even as we are speaking this night.
Steve: Then could we take this instance of a change in the Plan from Ascension out of the body, Ascension beyond the body, to Ascension with the body – could we take that instance and could you trace it down from yourself through the various levels to us? Can you indicate the various channels you send it down through?
We hear terms like “the highest Universal Council,” or “the Elohim.” How did this thought or command come down from God to us?
DM: This command? Yes, of course. Now think of it as rays of the sun. Sometimes you will look at the sun and you will see beams of sunlight.
And so the command, as you have put it, has gone, yes, to the Company of Heaven, to the Elohim, to the Seraphim, to the Cherubim, to every level, through the Council, through many of the Councils.
But that beam, that central beam, has also come directly from our heart to you. And that is a unique aspect of this Ascension.
Steve: And when this beam comes out and comes to the Elohim and then the Seraphim, how are they aware of it? It’s not like they receive a letter from God. How does it show up for them?
DM: The closest way that you can conceive of how, for example, the Elohim would receive it, it would be as an instantaneous energy transmission into them that would be an expansion — even though they have always known, because it is part of the plan and they are aware of it — but it would trigger, “All right, now it is time for us also to be beaming.”
So that it is not just the direct beam; they start to work with the various levels down to the human collective to also implement this aspect of the plan in what you think of as your now.
Steve: All right. Well, I’m sure the Elohim and the Seraphim know that this is God’s will. But we, we probably don’t know it’s God’s will. We may feel moved to do something, or inspired to do something. How can we know that we are being directly communicated with or inspired?
DM: It goes to following, listening, trusting, holding love in your heart.
[Steve: Yes, higher-dimensional love would respond to a divine command. We’d feel it.]
DM: And yes, with the totality of your being, not just with a portion of your being. It’s time for you to all work with the totality of your being, and discerning, not judging, ever, whether something is a whim or truly an inspiration. …
How you know is this feeling of “Ah!” expansion, of this urge that is driven and uncontrollable, because you know it is part of your joy. And if it does not feel like joy, then it is simply a random human thought. So turn away from it and allow that alignment with you and with All to truly fill you.
We have not made this — yes, it sounds complex, but it is not complex. It rests within you to know, and it rests in that sense of being, not of thinking, but of knowing. (2)
Steve: I would assume that bliss goes along with this. … Can we turn to the subject which seems a natural one in relation to what you just said, of the voice in the heart, of the guidance that comes through the voice in the heart? What you have been talking about surely is the way that the heart expresses God’s will, is it not?
DM: Yes, it is.
Steve: Could you discuss that for our listeners somewhat, please?
DM: All of you, and all of humanity, and in fact far, far beyond, have been equipped, implanted, however you wish to think of it, with the knowing not only of One will, of our will, of God’s will, but of your ability and your ultimate choice to align with that will. And it is that knowing within your heart.
Now, many of you have come to a place where you do not fully incorporate that or understand it or, yes, trust it in a very human, Third-Dimensional way, but when you allow yourself to simply be and to listen, it is not only your voice; it is our voice; it is the voice of many speaking as one.
The more time and practice — because it is a diligence — that you take to truly be in connection with the inner knowing, the voice, the closer you are to us and we to you. It is all that there is. And it is you, dear heart.
(1) Here is that other quote:
Divine Mother: Normally, [Light] would come from me to my realms, to the dominions, to the seraphim, to the archangels, etc., to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. But that is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. You see, there is no shortage of what I have to share. (“The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” Oct. 8, 2013, at
(2) In the same way, we’ve also been implanted with the yearning to reunite with God. Compare what the Mother says here with The Longing for Liberation at