by Pamela Kribbe Forbidden Woman Speaks-Conversation with Mary Magdalene. Pamela Kribbe & Vesica Pisces (English spoken, and Spanish subtitles).
Mary Magdalene has always been considered “the forbidden woman” in the Christian tradition: she represented the wild, free and sinful woman, and in this book, Pamela Kribbe offers us a dialogue and messages of Mary Magdalene received through channeling.
The “Forbidden Woman” is first and foremost a wounded woman. “For both men and women, Mary Magdalene describes a three-step path that allows them to become whole.
The video appears first and parts of a transcript follow.
An excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Forbidden Female Speaks.
1. The Forbidden Female
Pamela Kribbe: What follows is a conversation with Mary Magdalene, in which I ask questions and receive answers from her by way of channeling.
PK: In what way were you a forbidden woman and how did that affect you?
MM: I was born with a strong sense of independence and I resented it when people, especially men, imposed their will or forced their views upon me. I went my own way and wanted to experience things for myself and sharpen my own thoughts and opinions.
I was well-attuned to my male energy. At that time, however, this was a problem because women were supposed to comply with specific social frameworks and rules that regulated women’s lives. As a girl, you were groomed for marriage and motherhood.
Developing your own free spirit and leaving behind domestic life was tantamount to social suicide. It made you an outcast spit out by society. As a young woman of about eighteen, I traveled with an older man who had a very unbounded spirit. I felt good when I was with him.
We were not married, nor did we have any intention to get married. We had a free and adventurous life and I felt that I did not have to restrain myself in his presence. I was a passionate woman with strong views on injustice and the inferior position of women.
I focused on my personal development and was educated by spiritual teachers that I met here and there. By then, I was already a forbidden woman who did not follow the beaten track. When, sometime later, I moved on to a relationship with a younger man, I became a harlot in the eyes of society.
I was not a prostitute, as the Bible states, but a woman who had multiple relationships, sometimes simultaneously. I was hesitant to commit to one person only, afraid as I was of losing my independence. I always wanted to be free. The relationships I had were often intense and adventurous. However, they lacked stability and a sense of home.
My free spirit was put to the test when I met Jeshua. I recognized in him a highly-evolved soul who radiated a very pure energy. To me, he was an example of well-balanced male energy. I was deeply moved by who he was and what he represented.
He had the ability to touch people with his eyes, his voice, and his energy. His presence made me aware of dark aspects within myself that I had not really noticed before.
I began to understand that my craving for independence was also an escape from closeness and vulnerability. I had built a defensive wall around myself which gave me a sense of control.
However, I was so impressed by Jeshua’s spiritual depth and wisdom that I was willing to face this aspect of myself with honesty and to stop denying my fears.
I entered a love relationship with Jeshua, which changed my life forever. I became fully committed to him, but that dedication had nothing to do with submission or blind obedience. I really felt the universal flame of wisdom and deep compassion in him, and it was this that I wanted to dedicate myself to. I had to pay a high price for this, because I could no longer tell myself that I was free and not tied to anyone. I was his lover, which meant being connected to him on a personal level and loving him as an earthly woman. I wanted to take care of him and keep him safe and protected from all danger.
After his death, I was devastated. I felt empty and exhausted, and lost my will to live. I came to realize that I had to rebuild my own life, and that I was carrying the light that Jeshua had spread around the world. The energy of love and compassion he passed on was not exclusively his, but came from a universal source of light and wisdom. Jeshua was firmly connected to that universal field of light and he activated this connection in people who were open to it.
I had to learn to strengthen my own connection to this source as well, and to become independent of Jeshua’s physical presence in my life. It was a profound and challenging process, because it was and is natural to mourn a loved one who has passed away. Physical nearness is an essential element in the lives of lovers. I felt very lonely and desperate, but eventually I succeeded in regaining my strength so I could complete the final stage of my life from a place of surrender and trust.
During that stage, I became a teacher as well. As a result of everything I had experienced, I had opened up to a universal flow of wisdom that comforted me and apparently benefited other people as well. I wrote down some things and shared my insights with small groups of people who were open-minded and who could understand what I was talking about.
At that time, my personal form of spirituality needed to be lived and shared with others in secret. For the second time in my life, I was a forbidden woman.
The first time was during my younger years when I did not want to be bound by marriage. This second time, however, was related to a new spirituality that clashed with the established religious order.
Being banned as a forbidden female affected and shaped me at a very deep level. If you live in a society that considers you to be an outsider, it affects the way you think about yourself. Even if you are strong and independent, deep down you can be troubled by doubts, and wonder if perhaps you are a bit odd or inferior.
At times, I became very defensive, expressing myself in a hard or condescending way. I condemned the morals of ordinary citizens and found them cowardly and hypocritical. But deep inside, I felt the pain of rejection.
After meeting Jeshua and observing these inner processes more clearly, I became more and more detached and free from other people’s judgments. As a single, middle-aged woman and itinerant teacher, I no longer felt any anger or outrage towards the established order – I had become free. I did not doubt who I was any more. I accepted myself and lived according to my true nature.
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