I have to say that I rejoiced to hear Bill Maher acknowledge that “we” screwed up in our response to Covid. I was unaware that I wanted some admission from someone that things were not right, were not done rightly, and have caused a lot of harm. Here’s Bill giving that admission.
He does not however refer to the incredibly much greater issue of the planned depopulation of Planet Earth. According to Bill, we just screwed up. But the truth is much worse than that.
Bill Maher Drops Stunning Monologue on the COVID “Experts” Who Got It Wrong
“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct,” political commentator Bill Maher declared on his latest episode of Real Time.
“Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom — ideas that haven’t aged well.”
“We were told to wash our hands every five minutes and don’t ever touch your face. And if you absolutely must go to the beach for the sake of all that’s holy, wear a mask — outside? Because the last thing you would want to do when a disease is afoot is get fresh air and sunshine and vitamin D. No, much better to stay locked up stressed out and day drinking,” he quipped.
“And if you do get COVID, remember natural immunity is always the worst kind. Even if you’ve had the disease, you need a shot.” (Sarcasm)
“So where’s the COVID Commission?” Maher asked. “Because it seems to me we haven’t learned a thing.”