Judith Kusel
The Magnificent Unfolding of the Higher States of Consciousness:
I am so inspired by the way all is now unfolding on multi-dimensional levels and how we can now access what we could not access before, mainly because we were too dense – literally.
My higher guides have been telling me this over and over again, especially with regard to the Energy work I am now being called to do, and what I am accessing never ceases to amaze me.
“Why could I not access this before?” I ask. “Because you could not. You had to connect in the deepest and highest ways with your higher soul self and then your soul Group and your infinite soul – as it expands into the All Being, All Knowing, and All Seeing. This is not just the Third Eye, or the Heart centeredness, but expands into the Greater Cosmic Whole, where everything is one.”
I am never afraid to ask questions and the more questions I ask the more the answers come. So I am being shown my soul in its highest and truest form and how it was born in its first perfection, and how since then, my soul has journeyed far and wide, not only in this Universe but others as well.
Then I am shown how even now, as I am incarnated on earth, my other soul bodies are existing and functioning elsewhere.
Now, a few years ago I was told that I had other soul flames uniting with the soul flame already in embodiment, so that I could do the work I am being called upon to do, and that this was agreed upon before I was born.
To me, this made so much sense, as I completely shifted from who I was before. I am just not the same anymore – for when one shifts on consciousness levels, one now expands and more one expands, the freer one becomes!
One is not bound by earthly stuff any longer, but transcends it. One now adopts the Universal Soul in all it expanded forms and expressions thereof and thus can access knowledge and knowing from way beyond this earth!
Yes, my mind boggles sometimes over the information I am given, but my soul always recognizes it, at the highest levels. It is like one steps into the totally unknown, yet known. And this is exactly what we are all expanding into at all levels now.
I am merely sharing this as an example.
You have your own soul’s uniqueness to explore and to expand into. In the end we all slot in exactly where we need to at every given moment in the Great Cosmic Whole.
To me this is the blessing: When we step out of our own concepts of what is possible and what is impossible and our own narrow ego, we reclaim our Divinity and our Cosmic Soul’s infinite knowing.
Such is the rising of consciousness – for now one is expanding into the truth of who and what you are in truth – at soul level and are no more bound by human concepts, restrictions, nor whatever boxes anyone wishes to try of box you into!
You reclaim infinity.
And therein lies the blessing!