by Celia Fenn
The Crown of Light
As we work with the powerful incoming solar and galactic/diamond energies, there is much activity in the Crown Chakra and higher.
As we expand into our new self and energy for the New Earth, we are truly “crowned with light”.
This creates a “vortex” of light and energy that is very strong, especially in those who are set to expand their work and be the seed bearers for the New Earth communities.
It is a most beautiful Gold and White light that carries Codes for the Divine Feminine, the Christ Consciousness and the Galactic Diamond Light!
You may feel this energy on the physical level as pressure on the head, or as dizziness and “swaying on your feet”. Be careful not to fall over, but stay firmly grounded and anchored in the material and earth realm so that you can better carry this energy and ground it!
Wear your Crown with Grace!
You deserve it as you embrace your sovereign power as a Queen or King!
As we pass through this week towards the zero point reset on the 20th January when the Sun and Pluto are conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, this energy may become even more intense.
And miraculous!
Love to everyone!