This is mostly Skye talking about her private sessions, but she starts out saying that she’s miffed that the first and second of January have come and gone with “nothing” taking place.
I wouldn’t say that nothing’s happened. Iraq really did ban any trading in U.S. dollars on January one, which clearly is a precursor to making their currency available on the international Forex trading platform. That means when they do, the public will be able to exchange their IQD (Iraqi Dinars) for USD (U.S. Dollars).
There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors in our reality at the moment. As Skye points out, some are saying there’s a few more things to be done, and others are saying that we’re all done.
My feeling is that the BRICS nations won’t be announcing gold backed currency, that Iraq won’t be trading on the Forex, and that the RV and med beds won’t be released / announced until Biden is publicly removed from office, concurrent with the military fessing up that they actually are in control already.
We’re witnessing the unfolding of a coordinated, global military operation to free humanity from the grip of evil…literally.
I seriously feel that We the People are more than ready for that moment to arrive, and for those who might find it to be troublesome…it will soon be evident that it’s actually in our favor to be under Martial Law for a little while longer. As Phil has stated, when things start happening, it’ll be one boom after another in terms of major revelations and seismic shifts in our reality.
Of course I have questions about why information about what’s coming is even given to us, and in what timing. To what degree is it about planting collective seeds of human potential? In Dolores Cannon’s Keepers of the Garden, the seeders of this planet admit to gifting humanity with ideas, expecting that receptive members of the population will take that ball and run with it.
Is it our collective / individual belief in med beds that brings them (in part) into our experience?
I believe Skye Prince to be sincere. Yes, it’s clear that she’s being used by the Alliance, and not always with what feels to be in her own best interest. She’s pointed out that they do not have individuals at heart when crafting their plans; it’s a mission to save humanity. I get it…the bigger picture takes precedence.
However…why tell us about med beds at all? The build-up of good vibes anticipating them was palpable, and that feels purposeful. If Skye’s information is genuine, and if the point of speaking of it before the release was merely to bump up collective frequency, it would be counterproductive beyond measure to have that dream be snatched away. So I don’t buy that scenario.
The point of it was to let us know what’s coming, to prepare ourselves psychically for such wonderment to be reality. A tenderizing experience, so to speak…because we’ve become so used to squeaking by with just enough; just enough health, just enough money, just enough love, friendship, food, etc. We needed a buffer zone between rejecting the idea of med beds outright as too good to be true, and full acceptance and even expectation that we actually and truly can enjoy perfect health.
The folks we follow all have a different piece of the puzzle. It’s entirely possible, in my mind, that everything truly is ready to go; med beds, QFS, and military publicly taking control. In that case, what remains to be seen is how they’ll be removing the Biden from the scene. He’s not a legitimate president, so impeachment is not appropriate.
Phil said a while back that we would be shocked at why Biden wouldn’t be eligible to be on the 2024 presidential ballot.
Shock me, please.