Judith Kusel
We will experience more and more synchronicity now, as like-minded souls are drawn together in almost miraculous ways.
I experienced such an encounter today, as I was guided to just go for a long drive and then stopped for something to drink, while wanting to continue my journey.
The next minute, as the place was so busy I offered to share my table with two young ladies, and this turned out into one of those amazing encounters where kindred souls finding one another on soul level. We had the most enlightened and deep conversation.
To me this illustrates that where we Lightworkers mostly worked in isolation for so many years, we are now being drawn together in multiple ways.
What emerges is the diverse ways in which people are waking up, and how they spontaneously (as being guided) are sharing their amazing soul gifts. It is the uniqueness of each one’s journey and the uniqueness of the calling, which stands out.
Yes, we all are unique in our own way, and this is how it should be, yet every single soul, fits into the greater whole and as we unify as one, all blend together in one soul song, one unified symphony of soul gifts, talents and abilities as we now co-create the new Earth together.
Do not be surprised if you are suddenly prompted to buy land in rural areas and start community centers, or eco friendly gardens like the Findhorn gardens, or in whatever way you are being called.
More and more people will move away from the cities and seek the wide open spaces and holistic lifestyles. Eco Friendly is the key word as pesticides become extinct.
Life is becoming simplified, yet at the same time highly evolved, where humans, animals, and all life and life forms live together in unity and harmony.
One of the ladies, for instance, was sharing how, she was a difficult divorce from her husband and corporate lifestyle, found herself called to allow her soul to lead her into energetic dancing – where she became as one with the music, and in dancing she was opening energy centers in the earth and others would join her, and in the process they became as one.
This reminds me of when I was in Greece, and as I always touched rocks and download information from them, spontaneously started to burst in sacred songs, literally singing open the places. This happened in Egypt, and it still happens whereever I go.
These ancient songs, and chants are embedded in the land, and they will now be sung as we tune into the New Earth songs and be allow our tuning forks (33 octaves of sound in every vertebra of our spine) to be retuned, our tuning forks then tune us into these songs.
My bodies and fields automatically tune into the energy fields, as those traveling with me, will attest to.
Our energy bodies extend 32 kilometers outwards, and thus we lighter and brighter and more conscious we become, the more this expands, and so we already are busy radiating out. Our inner suns when fully awaken amplify all of this.
This is the time, when we remember the power of water and the waters will start working with us and through us in amazing ways.
Add to this the Air elements and Fire.
We are in for massive activations this year beyond our ken.
Last year, as just been the start or great and progressive changes and expansion is the key word.