Judith Kusel
We are in the midst of vast acceleration into the higher dimensional state as the White Flames of purification sweep through the old earth.
The key word: Expansion.
Expansion and now being zoomed in, like a cosmic spacecraft at immensely powerful speed into the new existence in a much higher dimensional frequency Solar Lightbody.
The old you, is no more.
As your physical and all bodies are transfiguring, you need more rest, more ME time where the cosmic transfiguration process can happen, without the constant distraction and yapping of the old systems and its hysteria now, for it knows it is in its last life breath and refuses to let go.
But as much as it tries it cannot hold form it also tries to conjure up fears, as it has always done to control and manipulate.
Expansion now means a totally new life, where the word “imposdible” does not exist.
I am being told to be quiet, still, and connect deeper and in more expansive ways with my soul and my soul attributes, knowledge, gifts as the merger now expands at monadic levels into the 144000.
This means activation at all levels into the Highest Soul self and bravely stepping into the unknown as as yet unexplored, into expanded leadership, yet fully equipped from soul and monadic levels, as well as Universal and fully embracing Divinity within.
It is most important now to seek quietude and allow the full integration of the acceleration of ascension into all your bodies and fields.
This brings love, joy and expanded vision into your life as all your soul faculties are becoming fully activated too which you need to now start anchoring into and manifesting into the the earth in the highest most loving ways, for the highest good of all.